Hi Jim, Thanks for checking in. The 2008 63K blue didn't visibly look too bad but steering wheel had some play, acceleration felt sluggish and the smart key wasn't working well. May have been fob battery but he couldn't resolve it while I was there. Every 2008 I've tested has felt sluggish?? The 2009 94K white looked great except for a 4 inch dent in hood that at least hadn't cracked into paint. Steering wheel felt so much better BUT there was something wrong with suspension on right side of car. A VW dealer that said they thoroughly inspected car before listing. Sounded like I was riding on a bumpy road. Way too familiar from an old car I had years ago. How could they miss such a thing. So they are looking into problem today and getting back to me but I don't feel comfortable with it. I'm patiently (not really) waiting to here about another 2009 with 65K. Even found a reliable independent mechanic near car location. Mechanic said they can inspect a Prius thoroughly. Do you typically get a car checked out by a Toyota dealer? Reliable T service departments are hard to find where I live. What would a dealer service dept be doing that a independent can't do. How to they check hybrid system or maybe they don't? Yay! I found a somewhat local mechanic who isn't afraid of working on a Prius and only has one customer with battery issue. Unfortunately his shop is a bit of a mess. I remember because my Mum used to take her SAAB to him when I was in college. LONG time ago. Mess only concerns me because I think messy environment means messy work but he's good. I was getting discouraged because I only have two local guys I trust and they were the ones who said no way to buying Prius. I guess I can still bring a Prius to them for repairs but was hoping they didn't dislike the car. I stopped another person in parking lot (crazy car woman that I've turned into) who has the exact car I looked at last night. She LOVES her Prius and no problems. Husband wants to get another one. Maybe if I keep asking, someone will offer to sell me their's. : ) I must say testing a Prius immediately after driving a Jetta is not a good idea. : ) Insurance check is in the mail. Anyone know how to stall insurance co for the weekend. I've told them I'm looking into another place to repair car which will take a couple of days. Most likely will be driving my damaged Vibe tomorrow unless I can stall them. Then I'll be more limited as to where I can look. Thanks!
You can have my Prius...when you can pry it out of my cold dead hands. When you accept the check from the insurance company you settled. If you are getting the vehicle repaired the question is whether the shop will accept that amount as full payment. The insurance company expected the vehicle to go straight into the shop. They aren't going to continue to pay for a rental so you can go riding around the countryside. A diesel Jetta could be a good choice if you don't need the hatch. Collect waste vegetable oil and make your own biodiesel. Fob batteries don't last forever. I was able to buy a blister card on line so they were cheap. Each fob is on its third battery. I wouldn't be happy with the dent in the hood but that could have been a point of negotiation. Sloppy steering & suspension is another matter. A new car dealer isn't going to replace parts they don't have to. If a perfectly working car is worth $8000 then the best you can do is to make an offer factoring in the expected repair. Either they will accept it because they are still making money or will ship the car off to auction. I don't remember my 2006 as "sluggish" but it's been a long time since I drove a Gen2. I autocross as part of the 21st Century Automotive Challenge at Penn State. A Prius isn't a sports car. It will hold its own against a LEAF, Jetta, or Beetle but it won't catch a Corvette. To beat the Prius the Beetle was running on racing slicks and most of the biodiesel was pumped from the tank. The pre-purchase inspection: How much are you paying and what are they inspecting? My guess is "not much" to both questions. I doubt Mr. Indy Mechanic is checking the cell voltages in the traction battery. Is he pulling the wheels to inspect & measure the brakes? You can check the voltage of the 12v battery through the MFD. The advantage of being a member of a local car club is that there are members that know more than you do.
If you go to a reliable Toyota dealer and pay for a full inspection, they should be able to tell you exactly what is wrong with the car you are about to purchase. If they do it right, you will be able to go to the seller and use it either for or against the purchase. I would not be afraid to spend the money, simply for the peace of mind. This is the second largest investment of most people's lives. Check that vehicle throughly, don't have buyer's remorse. Prius is a great dependable reliable vehicle that gets great fuel economy. I would buy another one today if the right car presented itself. No, its not for everyone but for my situation it does its job very well. It goes fast enough that I have acquired three tickets, one I almost lost my license( 103 in a 55 and 90 in a 65, I know I can't believe in either. The other was 55 in a 35, That was a speed trap.) The car is so smooth and it felt great at 90+. But I digress, any Prius that has no warning lamps on or the red triangle of death should be good to go. My hope, Daisy, is that you get and love your Prius as much as most of us do on this site. Like JimN said above, they can have my Prius when they pry my cold, dead hands from the steering wheel. My daughters have already asked if I want to be buried with mine. I'm thinking about that one. LG G3 T-MOBILE phone ☎
A diesel Jetta could be a good choice if you don't need the hatch. Collect waste vegetable oil and make your own biodiesel. Actually receiving insurance check in the mail does not mean I've settled per Division of Consumer Affairs in CT. In CT it's standard procedure for insurance company to cut check and then as (if) repairs are being done, supplemental damages/charges are submitted to insurance for approval and payment. That's how it's been anywhere I've lived. If I had gone along with repair shop, they would have started repairs before ins company had finished processing claim. Unethical as far as I'm concerned. Would have been very interesting if they were repairing a car that ended up being deemed a total loss. So even if I was getting car repaired, I wouldn't let this shop touch it. Insurance rep knows I'll be either bringing car to another shop within next couple of days or returning rental until I've made decision within a few weeks. They would then provide rental for the required days if repaired. Ok...sorry....way off topic. Some day maybe a diesel VW with option of biodiesel. Not many used around this area. If money wasn't an issue, the Subaru Hybrid Crosstrek looks like fun but that's a topic for some other time. I would never buy used car without inspection. Yes, local mechanic would check codes, engine, body frame, under body, fluids etc including condition of brakes and test drive. Costing about an hour of labor. Toyota dealer told me they would put car through their basic (certain number of points) inspection for $140. They told me they wouldn't be able to check condition of hybrid battery?? I would prefer Toyota dealer looking at every detail since they are hopefully trained on these cars. Isn't it their goal to find things wrong so I'll buy one from them instead. : } Sounds a bit jaded and paranoid but I've been told it's a legitimate concern especially with reputation around here. I'm amazed you autocross with a Prius. Seriously sounds like fun! Pressure is slightly off. I now have better idea what I can spend and Vibe is supposedly ok to drive. "Just don't idle in the heat at drawbridge for too long." : )
Wow 103 MPH...! I was struggling to get the past two test drives above 65. Figured this car would keep me from getting a speeding ticket ever. Probably need some hybrid driving lessons and patience. The Prius with potential suspension problems didn't make it to highway. They were supposed to call me today after looking into problem but I didn't expect them to repair. They know I wouldn't buy unless I could test drive with problem resolved so maybe they let it go. The sound and vibration was way too much. Distracted from getting a feel for how car handled. Sorry this response was meant for JimN's post. Forgive me for confusing my responses. Nice to see how attached you guys are to your cars. I was that way with my old SAAB. : ) Looking forward to my next car no matter how long it takes.
It's OK. Any vehicle needs a little reserve speed. Trust me, I don't go that fast every day. But, I wanted to know what she can do. I have taken a lot of ribbing because of the Prius. It's just xenophobia, fear of the unknown. I get cut off by all vehicles. Prepare to be tailgated by big pickups. For some reason, the love to look at the rear of a Prius, really close. Most will pass you, some just sit there trying to intimidate you. Beware, you can stop way faster than they can. LG G3 T-MOBILE phone ☎
Finally found what looks like definitive answer regarding warranty on 2009 Prius. http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/omms/T-MMS-09PriusWI/pdf/2009_Prius_OWI_lr.pdf I see why there has been some confusion. Not sure why Toyota rep didn't direct me to this online info. Manuals are online for all years! What I'm understanding is: No matter what state 2009 Prius is purchased in, the "hybrid system" has 8yr/100,000 mile warranty. If your Prius is equipped with a CA Certified Emissions Control System (verification found on sticker under hood) you get additional length of time on hybrid battery and "emissions system" but not the "hybrid system". (PA and WA with CA Certified Emissions have shorter warranty on "emissions system" for some reason). This means 10yr/150,000 miles on hybrid battery and 15yrs/150,000 miles on performance and defect of "emissions system". Clarifying this with such detail may seem silly but the extra years on entire hybrid system would have been a little longer coverage for me. Doesn't mean I won't buy Prius and doesn't mean hybrid system will fail as many of you have proven with your high miles and years of experience. Please verify my translation of warranty for any typos and if you've found any amended info or conflicting personal experience please post. Obviously these cars are very reliable but I didn't want anyone to mistakingly think they have complete "hybrid system" coverage for 10 yr/150,000 miles. This is the kind of research that happens when one finally gets to take a very long nap during the day and then can't sleep at night. : )
Thanks for digging around for the information. You'll LOVE your Prius (especially if it's a 2009 Gen II). Don't forget to keep us all posted with progress and some pictures would be appreciated - thanks!! - Wil
Sorry no photos to share yet. ; } I'm learning more and more with each car I inquire about and test. There aren't many because most are sold or tossed to auction before I get to them. Very important info for anyone looking at a 2008/2009 Prius and are hoping for the longer CARB state warranty of 10/150K on hybrid battery. If looking at a 2008 Prius in CT and other states that put CARB law into effect for 2008, you must buy a 2008 that was actually purchased in 2008 (technically first date of use per Toyota). For example a 2008 model originally purchased in CT on 11/12/07 would only have hybrid battery warranty thru 11/12/15 (8/100K). If this car had been originally purchased in CT on 1/1/2008, the battery warranty would be thru 1/1/2018. I could be paying the same price for either of these cars and losing out on 2 yrs of hybrid battery protection. Some states didn't put CARB law into effect until 2009 which would mean buying a 2009 with original purchase date in 2009. My details and discoveries are probably cracking some of you up and annoying others. It's ok....I'll learn to deal with it....hopefully. : )
Right that's probably true about purchase date, but Toyota seems to express it terms of Model Year so it's a little funny. Actually JimboPalmer has updated the 2014 list of CARB states per your memo from EPA, and he is showing model year basis, if I understand, for CT. But again, what we are missing is any kind of write-up from Toyota spelling out all the fine details like that. So in general if you can check on CARB warranty for your VIN that would be good.
I agree about it being a little funny. I'm waiting to get second verification from local service dept "manager". Figure they should know for sure....right?
Nope...you're kidding right? I mean he might check VIN for you, as far as knowing the fine details you'd have to call Toyota and hope you get the right person.
Warranties start with the date the vehicle is first placed in service. As mentioned, a car bought before CARB legislation was enacted will have a shorter warranty than the one bought the day after the legislation takes effect. A VIN check should have the original sale date. Did we give you the Toyota site: Toyota Owners Official Web Site ? Receiving the check doesn't mean accepting the check. Depositing the check is a clear sign of acceptance. The dealer can read the cell voltages with TechStream. I have never had a problem getting my Gen2 or Gen3 over 65mph. 65mph sounds & feels just like faster speeds. I've had a couple of "oh crap" moments when I have manually maintained formation then noticed how fast I was going. I don't know why a Prius couldn't get over 65mph and not have obvious symptoms. 2015 21st CAC Gallery & Results documents my participation. The poor standing is a reflection of my autocross skill (or lack thereof). When driven by a SCCA member the time was 55.+, right behind the Beetle with racing slicks and 5 seconds behind the SCCA guy with his Corvette. Just about anything can be autocrossed. Keep us posted.
Nope.....not kidding. Calling Toyota has been a huge exercise in patience. I usually have to talk them through where to look for info I need. One rep told me service dept at Toyota dealership is actually the place to get most accurate, up to date vin specific info. Service dept can look up any recall and warranty services done as well as confirm remaining time left for battery warranty. Makes sense to me because Toyota service dept is doing this every day. Every time a vehicle needs repairs they have to enter vin # and verify warranty etc.
I hadn't noticed the "Toyota Owners" portion of website. Thanks! Found out my Vibe horn doesn't work since accident (yes, I had to use it this weekend!) which means my settlement could have been a bit higher. $50 maybe? If I address this they'll just tell me they'll make supplemental payment when repair is being done. Since I'm not getting repairs done I lose out at this point. I haven't cashed check yet but can't imagine fighting for this would be worth the effort despite needing every penny. CT law states I can cash check and doesn't mean I've accepted settlement. I finally drove a well taken care of Prius. What a difference! It was a 2007 and felt like it was fresh out of the factory. 68K miles Didn't have time to get it on highway. Locally owned but no vehicle stability control. Shouldn't I have all the safety features possible since I'm a bit skittish on winter roads. I now know I need a 2008/2009 package 2 or above. Amazes me how different this car looks depending on exterior and interior colors. I know this is not the most important feature for someone in my circumstances but the seaside blue with dark gray interior did not feel like my kind of car. Dark interior would be great for my concerns about keeping car looking clean. Don't get me wrong, if this car had VSC I would have put an offer in. Next I will hear VSC has it's disadvantages. : ) Really appreciate the much needed support!
There will be an online celebration party when "Daisy" aka Maria finds her Prius!!! I'll surely keep you posted!
Having trouble accepting I can't afford a newer car. I've looked into concept of buying a new, lower cost economy car with warranty. Even if I had a few thousand more $s, I can't imagine spending that kind of money on a car I don't like. I've looked into leasing. Putting down bigger deposit to get low enough monthly payment sounds great but I would lose equity if I couldn't buy car at the end of contract. My brain is too fried in the moment to calculate how much I would be actually be paying for this car including interest. Plus insurance on a 2015 Prius would be out of my budget. I pay almost $100 a month through State Farm for 2008 Vibe. Excellent credit, no accidents and full coverage because I only recently paid off car loan. The 2005 Prius pkg #6 (friend's estate) had 123K miles on it 3 yrs ago per Toyota service. No warranty repairs done. Given it had 2 more years of use and then sat for a year, I'm thinking this car would be a huge risk and money drain unless it was handed over to me. Even then I'm probably looking at a new hybrid battery which doesn't seem like a good investment for a Prius with such high miles. She did take very good care of it and LOVED it. Her son is getting it serviced including new 12v battery then getting back to me with results and what might make sense. Thank you to the person who encouraged me to contact him. At least I'll know either way. Hoping I might hear from one of the many dealers who possibly sold new Prii this weekend with maybe a well taken care of 2009 trade in. : } Local dealer is sending out letters this week to 2008/2009 owners. He knows he'll make a quick $1000 at least. Not holding my breath....yet!
The only way a 2007 does not have VSC is if it is a Package 1, normal or Touring. Does the VSC light illuminate when the car boots up? There are pros and cons to every system. Cars WERE sold for 100+ years without VSC. I experienced VSC twice, both times on a track. The first time was at AAA Advanced Driver Program in a diminishing radius curve. The first time a SCCA member drove my Prius through the autocross it sounded almost continuously. On subsequent runs the VSC did not engage. It's all about finding the limits. A used car is not going to have "all the safety features possible" and "all the safety features possible" are going to be found at the high end of the product line. Given the model year, a Prius is going to better equipped than the average. I don't know what to say about the exterior & interior colors. Some exterior colors were offered with a choice. Some only had the bisque interior while others only had dark gray. Throw a sheet over whatever you get or buy seat covers. If the color is more important than the specs of the car then shop & buy on color. There are 5 colors available with the bisque interior and 7 colors available with a dark gray interior. If the Region didn't order the combination then it wasn't available locally. In 2005-2006 (maybe some of 2007) if a Prius sat on a dealer's lot for a week that was a long time. The only time you saw a half dozen on the lot was right after the delivery truck unloaded. The sales pitch was "I have this color with this package. If you don't want it at MSRP I have people standing in line waiting to buy." People didn't always get the color they wanted or the desired option package but the car grew on them. In 2006 I wanted a top of the line silver and was told to expect it in September which was fine as I didn't need the car immediately. A week or so later I get a call. They have a few cars that aren't allocated. I decided to buy the magnetic gray package 3. I really didn't need all the other gizmos and I was thrilled with the car. For me, the features and condition are more important. Where else are you going to find an 8 year old car with less than 70000 miles? The retired and the unemployed tend to drive less. Start trolling the obits. After you get some miles on the Prius sign up for the driving course to improve your skills. It may also qualify for an insurance discount. I don't have the 2005 booklet but a package 6 is not a low end car. Keep an open mind. Have you shopped for insurance lately? I paid $926.25 for the year on my 2010. Age, annual mileage, and location are big factors. Maybe one or two of those factors are working against you. Don't pin your hopes on that letter from the dealer. It's little more than a marketing scam attempting to get me to set foot on the lot. I get at least two of them every month and they go straight in the garbage. However, I am willing to visit the dealer when offered a gimme. Holman Toyota does host nice parties, got a supermarket gift card from the Chevy dealer, I think I won a few bucks on the lottery ticket from the VW dealer, got a watch from the FIAT dealer...everyone wants a 2010 Prius with almost 100,000 miles on it. Leasing a Prius shouldn't even be a consideration. You'll be paying quite a bit just to rent a car. Some leases do make sense. Nissan's fire sale rates on the LEAF come to mind. If the low mileage blue Prius is at a fair price, IMO, you aren't going to find better.