good idea. my list is better mpg's, better handling, better seats, better center console, better sound insulation, better tech. i'm glad you thought of this, we haven't covered any of these points previously.
Honda's Civic, last generation, came out, lasted maybe a year, then they had a "what were we thinking" moment", reworked it. Merged Mendel. Never liked this, given up hoping. (Thanks moderator. I've really got to learn how to multi-quote.)
My personal opinion from available video and pictures that I've seen, is that The Gen 4 Prius rear end is quite possibly "Butt nice person Ugly". I can't tell from pictures how that rear end is going to strike me in person. It is polarizing in first impression. I reserve the right to make a final impression opinion once actually seeing one in person. My speculative opinion is that the truth is probably going to fall somewhere between Toyota's "Fashion Model" turning the heads of beautiful women and men, and those looking at The Gen 4 Prius and saying "Pontiac Aztec". In other words, it's probably NOT going to be as beautiful as Toyota is telling me, nor as Butt nice person Ugly as some seem to think.
I like the look of the second gen at least as much as third. Both look as if they "evolved". This new one looks like a blank canvas someone went at with a paint brush, just doesn't look grounded. Cowbell overload.
not on the whole. but the concept is beautiful. there is a thread here, 'most people think the prius is ugly, but i think it's beautiful'. and that regarding gen II or III.
I might be in the minority. But from Gen 2 onward, I've always liked the looks of The Prius. The important minutia is "Has Anyone Ever Bought a Prius Primarily Because of The Looks?". To that I'm going to say no.
i don't know if you're in the minority of owners, but definitely among the rest of the world. that's what toyota is trying to change.
Tony, insert Volt for Gen4 and you know exactly what many of us here have endured in the volt forum from a handful (really just a couple) of volt haters for the past 5+ years. EVERY thread gets dragged down by the usual suspects.
Yes there is a volt sub-forum: Chevrolet Volt | PriusChat Someone who posts nearly 10 times per day on average knows that. Please try to use the reply function more. It's so easy now, just left-click and drag to highlight the specific text you want to reply to and then right-click.
Seriously, you've never read any of the volt forum threads for the past 5 years? I provided the link; dive in and see.
"Volt" is a loose term, which is what contributed to disagreements of the past. Just look at the divide the concept model created from gen-1. We're seeing gen-1 verses gen-2/PHEV/EV divides forming too. That will naturally generate lots of posting.