This is yet another example of the few ruining it for the rest of us. How many times have we seen some car jacked up in the parking lot with someone changing the oil, replacing a starter, transmission, etc., and leaving a huge mess of oil, parts and garbage behind? That is the reason rules are then established to prevent maintenance of any kind. If they let someone wax their car and they are for example not a minority in the given population of that part of town and then a minority for that part of town decides to just change their oil and the police tell them they can't it is racially motivated (in the mind of the oil changer). When I was a cop (in another lifetime) I came across this many times and that was always the first card the offender threw down. Of course they can never accept responsibility for their own actions and look at the complete mess they have created and that when someone actually parks their car and gets out they step in big mess of oil, etc. So we end up with black and white rules like no vehicle maintenance. The few have ruined it for the rest of us.
I'd bring a coffee and pastry as a gift and ask the preacher on a weekday if, as a neighbor, he wouldn't mind your antics.
Oh...drats...I forgot to use the race (and gender) card!! That would've given the cop pause! I agree. If they let someone wax their car, the next person will be draining his oil and pulling his tranny.
Re: I'd bring a coffee and pastry. Forget the coffee and pastry for the preacher. I know I'm a little out of line for those honest and dedicated police officers we all trust our lives with BUT I just can't resist this one: You should of had gift certificate for the donut shop available when that cop came buy. Smiling....
Can't hurt to ask! Be sure to say that you'd use it when they tell you there are no services or church activities going on, and that you'd leave no trash or mess. Maybe offering a $5 donation to the church would help. Not that they'd really need the $5, but it would show that you're not a freeloader.
Why not do the polishing in a shaded corner of a park somewhere -- Would be a more enjoyable location ..... I've done that, and the police or rangers just drive by.
Hi Priusros, Sounds like a letter to the mayor is due, along with a copy to the local paper. If there is such a rule, its rediculous to cover car polishing. If there is not a rule, its the mayor's duty to call the cop on the carpet about that harasment. I would also look for some way to avoid paying $4.75/day to a system that is harrasing you.