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Burglarized Prius!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by pcjr, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. pcjr

    pcjr New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(koa @ Apr 1 2006, 02:19 AM) [snapback]233339[/snapback]</div>
    Well someone's a little bitter too, apparently! I don't know about seeing right through them as lawyers, but I imagine asking them specifics about historical landmark rulings would make one realize if they were actual lawyers or not. Unfortunately, she said my powerbook was sold the next day, and she had even told me where the guy goes to sell things he steals. I was thinking I should have gone there to pretend I was interested in buying something just to get it back, but I wasn't that sure if he was armed at the time, if not a gun, then maybe a knife.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Apr 1 2006, 12:48 AM) [snapback]233315[/snapback]</div>
    Why would you get cynical? Unless your PI is a slave driver or you're doubting your interest in science, you shouldn't be dissuaded. If it's problems getting good data, it can usually be isolated to a technical problem, as long as you make sure the principle or reasoning to test your hypothesis is sound.
  2. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 1 2006, 04:32 AM) [snapback]233367[/snapback]</div>
    Point well made. How odd to have gotten to this from a (probable) scam post about burglary. I value all life, I respect people who put themselves out there for their job. When a child loses a father who worked as a short order cook does he/she suffer any less than the child of the cop?
  3. pcjr

    pcjr New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 1 2006, 08:01 AM) [snapback]233369[/snapback]</div>
    Well, you're obviously a troll. I wasn't clear in my blog that my Prius photos would replace the stock photo, although it's pretty obvious in AOL's webpage designer that the stock objects are placeholders where you can upload your own photos. Regardless, I still mentioned in this thread that I was replacing my photos, and that's on record. For the past few days. At this point I'm not quite sure what you're arguing about, because at this point, for you to insist that I'm deceiving someone in the face of the most current information in the threads means you're trolling. And I'm not sure why I should tell you the name of the hospital I work at so you can continue to be a troll. How interesting, to complain about someone's flawed thinking? That will land you an admission into the locked psych ward. Maybe you can tell me where you work at, and I can file a complaint about your trolly character, and just being a very mean-spirited person who likes to fixate on incorrect hypotheses in the face of new data. How's that, Mr. Macho Apparently I Never Use Toiletry Bags Man? As far as who's sexist? You're the one who assumed that I was using a woman's photo to make people think the victim was a weak person. But who came up with that ridiculous idea? YOU.
  4. koa

    koa Active Member

    Aug 9, 2005
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pcjr @ Apr 1 2006, 09:05 PM) [snapback]233555[/snapback]</div>
    Why would you say that? I'm not bitter. I was pointing out that they conned many people including judges who questioned them, and the attorney they hired, along with the head of a private school where their kids went, the police, mortgage broker, high end furniture showroom sales people, other doctors and the hospital where the baby was born, the bank. Yet one question from you would have been all it would have taken to bring them down! These women were quite well versed in law and medicine. If they had spent more time studying law or medicine rather than scamming people they could have been very productive members of society, but then again they were psychopaths.
  5. sub3marathonman

    sub3marathonman Active Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pcjr @ Apr 1 2006, 09:38 PM) [snapback]233579[/snapback]</div>
    So I should have researched AOL's webpage designer???? I'm not involved with AOL in any way.

    Unfortunately, Peter, upon being presented with facts, is attempting to redirect attention. Quoting Peter, "Regardless, I still mentioned in this thread that I was replacing my photos." I was pointing out another deception from Peter, who now simply states "Regardless," and now the good one, "you're obviously a troll." Oh, and don't forget the key phrase, "a very mean-spirited person."

    Others who thought the story was about a woman (bold added):
    Presto, post #3"She's asking for donations so she can post up a reward poster too. Haha."
    Wildkow, Post #4, "she's a Doc and has to wait for a donation of $50 to post the reward poster. Please don't insult me . . . "
    Windstrings, Post #7, "I think she's fishing for sucker fish, and appealing to prius owners who typically are soft hearted green thinkers. If I'm wrong.. you can sue me."
    AlphaTeam, Post #12, "I mean get real, she must have half a brain."
    DaveSheremata, Post #19, didn't necessarily think it was a woman, but stated, "Whoah - the perpetrator hasn't posted here - don't confuse Peter, the author of the post on PC with the author of the webpage. He's been posting here for a year according... "
    DaveinOlyWA, Post #20, "bet ya the idiot will find people stupider than her who are willing to part with their money...although... so far she has received nothing...hehehe."

    In Post #21, pcjr, a.k.a. Peter, admits he deceived everybody, stating "Well, I didn't want to tell people that that webpage is mine, because I wanted to remain as anonymous as possible, and frankly I'm quite embarrassed about the whole situation,"

    Being a sexist, as Peter obviously is, would be embarrassing. As an observer, I would call it disgusting. To grovel for money in such a manner speaks for itself.

    Quoting Peter, "How interesting, to complain about someone's flawed thinking? That will land you an admission into the locked psych ward." If Peter has such a misguided sense of reality, I would hope that the medical ethics board investigates this supposed doctor.

    Quoting Peter, "How's that, Mr. Macho Apparently I Never Use Toiletry Bags Man? " I was just wondering if one of these was yours:


    OK, yes, just so Peter doesn't go apoplectic, this was a "stock" photo from americanbridal.com, and was intended as a bit of humor to cheer "poor Peter" up.
  6. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ Apr 1 2006, 06:32 PM) [snapback]233577[/snapback]</div>
    You guys could be confusing the issue..... there are "two" issues....

    Life is all worth the same, but when you wear a uniform the value of your life is not changed, but when someone targets your life because of the uniform now the second issue comes into play. They are not only violating your life, but the authority of the uniform also. Killing someone who is in office to protect and serve makes the crime against all of society too.
    It also states a point that anyone who could kill someone who is a police with kill with even more ease someone who is not since he has no regard for authority as well as life.

    Killing a judge merits you a harsher sentence than killing me..... ... but if you kill that same judge in a car accident or the like where you had no idea he was a judge, then your sentence would be no different since you were not targeting his office.

    If the police officer goes rabid and is trying to wrongfully kill you, then you are not faulted at protecting yourself, but good luck proving your case... it better be more than your word against his.
  7. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pcjr @ Apr 1 2006, 08:05 PM) [snapback]233555[/snapback]</div>
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    oh! that's a good one.

    cynicism has nothing to do with success or failure, interest or lack thereof. and let's just say i'm[/] doing just fine in all the areas you mentioned above. it's your blind optimism that's preventing you from seeing the real world.

    you want answers to your cynicism question... go find a 4th year phd candidate and ask them.

    but hey. way to avoid the question by responding with a completely different angle of discussion. at least you're learning academic-ese...
  8. sub3marathonman

    sub3marathonman Active Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    Yes, Peter is good at avoiding things, such as the truth. Of course, as Peter said describing his lack of character in Post #48, "So it's easier said than done to swallow one's pride, or to take responsibility for one's actions, etc."

    Let's do a bit more research.

    On 7/2/2005, Peter said "I'm in the Palo Alto area in California, and my daily roundtrip commute is about 10 miles. Occassionally on the weekends I drive into San Francisco about 35 miles away. "

    Now, although there is the possibility he's moved, he stated in Post #38, "The reason I had so much stuff in my car (including a toiletry bag) is that sometimes I am on call, meaning I have to work 30 hours overnight, staying at the hospital; and in fact, I had to work in the hospital Sunday morning, and I figured I would just go out for a few hours at the Mezzanine." The Mezzanine is located in San Francisco, about 35 miles away from Palo Alto where Peter lives or lived, and very close to UCSF Medical Center & UCSF Children's Hospital: Great Expectations Pregnancy Program, which is the only hospital in that area. So is this where Peter is doing his groundbreaking research on an AIDS vaccine? Or is this where "Candy" went to deliver her baby? And if "Candy" delivered her baby at the same hospital where Peter works, shouldn't he have stopped in to see her? Or did he just not bother because he had gotten all the information he needed from her already?

    Also, in Post #21 Peter stated, "the only reason I went out is that I've been working 90 hours a week in my last rotation and had a day off." So what was it, a day off or working at the hospital for 30 hours????

    And finally, would a patient want to see a doctor who had been working 30 hours overnight and had spent who knows how many hours prior to coming to work partying at The Mezzanine? If he still lives and works in Palo Alto you can add driving another 30 to 40 miles each way to San Francisco to go partying at The Mezzanine. Once again, another question about Peter's ethics.
  9. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    The bottom line here is, we members of PC have pointed out the holes / flaws in Pcjr's story. We have given him our pitty & advice & our outlooks of donation scamming. Points have been made on both sides, but for some reason Pcjr continues to state that we at PC are attacking him, as stated on the AOL webpage. :huh:

    Ok, here Im ATTACKING you :eek:
    Pcjr, face it you have been highlighted as a person of intrest to everyone that reads this thread. And they may or may not think to themselves hmm is he telling the truth or exagerating a small situation up to be more intresting & dramatic to help him along in his quest.

    I would think the point here would be drop, it lay low for a while. Don't ask for handouts/donations from PC members. No need to fire this thread back up.. ;)
  10. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 2 2006, 01:06 AM) [snapback]233676[/snapback]</div>
    now if he has all those hours in medical rotations, which i believe since i have kept in contact with a few MD/PhDs who are now back in med school rotations to finish up the dual degree, where on earth is he getting time to do any research???

    hell i'm at the bench or on pubmed or writing for usually 50ish hours a week. and i'd imagine to be testing a vaccine you'd need to be doing in vivo work, which i can tell you straight off is not a part time job. even cell culture is demanding of time, especially if you've got enough up and running to be getting any results in a timely fashion.
  11. pcjr

    pcjr New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    Hmm, I didn't say I deceived anyone. I just said I wanted to stay anonymous. So Mr. Brilliant, since I said I wanted to remain anonymous, why would I post a picture of my face? It's pretty clear you do have poor reading skills. Even if other people thought the story was about a woman, at least they know now it was me. On the other hand you are still obsessed with something other people have gotten over. You obviously are incapable of reassessing a situation given new data. If anyone has a misguided sense of reality, it is you. Or rather, you're incapable of being guided with sense in the first place. Perhaps you should stop running in marathons. It ages your muscles (your brain too, in your case, probably from metabolic derangements from long-distance running).

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 1 2006, 10:54 PM) [snapback]233626[/snapback]</div>
  12. pcjr

    pcjr New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 2 2006, 12:06 AM) [snapback]233676[/snapback]</div>

    I hope you got burglarized some day soon. Having run marathons, you should have enough character to take it like a man.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 2 2006, 12:06 AM) [snapback]233676[/snapback]</div>
    It's everything, you can work 90 hours a week, at times working 30 hours straight when on call, and finally have a day off. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 2 2006, 12:06 AM) [snapback]233676[/snapback]</div>
    Absolutely not, I certainly wouldn't want a doctor who's overworked to take care of me in the hospital, especially if they're going to do surgery. But unfortunately that's the reality. Wow, where have you been? I guess you or people you know haven't been hospitalized before. (Talk about misguided sense of reality.)

    Haha, when you or relatives or friends get hospitalized you should definitely ask the doctors how many hours they work, and what they do when they get that one day off. Guess you don't have any doctor friends. If only more patients were concerned about the number of hours their resident physicians work, then maybe the ACGME guidelines would be enforced or revised. If only you were as bitchy to the federal and state governments about cracking down on excessive work hours for resident physicians as you are bitchy on priuschat!

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Apr 2 2006, 10:11 AM) [snapback]233754[/snapback]</div>
    I'm done with the wet lab for now, but all the papers I've read and saved, and the citations I've referenced, and my notes and drafts for grant proposals -- that takes time to build up too as you inferred, and that stuff you can definitely do without going into lab.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Apr 2 2006, 08:32 AM) [snapback]233743[/snapback]</div>
    Maybe I should be more specific. Maybe on my webpage, I should say, sub3 on priuschat is attacking me. Would that make you feel better? ;)

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Apr 1 2006, 11:47 PM) [snapback]233668[/snapback]</div>

    Yes, I have asked PhD candidates how they feel, and the cynical ones usually have an unsupportive PI. But since I wasn't able to guess specifically why you're cynical, maybe you should state the reasons why you're cynical. (And unlike Mr. Sub, I'm not going to sieve through your posts, analyze them to fit my expectations, and put words in your mouth to fit my theories.)
  13. seeh2o

    seeh2o Prius OG

    Mar 5, 2004
    City of Angels
    2013 Prius
    Is there a moderator in the house??!!

    Someone please stick a fork in this thread because it is DONE, way way over done at that.

  14. sub3marathonman

    sub3marathonman Active Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pcjr @ Apr 5 2006, 02:09 AM) [snapback]235119[/snapback]</div>
    Once again, more of Peter's lack of character revealed. Of course, knowing what we do about him it shouldn't be any surprise.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pcjr @ Apr 5 2006, 02:09 AM) [snapback]235119[/snapback]</div>
    And we now have more information about Peter's lack of ethics.

    He finds it perfectly acceptable to drive 40 miles each way to go to The Mezzanine. He then parties there for who knows how many hours. Then he drives who knows how many miles to go to work for 30 hours straight taking care of patients in a hospital. His response is "that's the reality. Wow, where have you been?" Also, he obviously has no problem ignoring the ACGME guidelines, which he states aren't even enforced.

    The real question isn't where have I been, since I'm not providing medical care for patients for 30 hours straight after spending who know how many hours partying at The Mezzanine. But wait, there's more. Check out this photo provided by The Mezzanine website:

    It looks like a well-stocked bar, doesn't it? So we have Peter not only partying, but are we to believe that he didn't drink while he was there? Or would that be just another one of his lies?

    A SERIOUS question about his ethics.
  15. sub3marathonman

    sub3marathonman Active Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pcjr @ Apr 5 2006, 01:38 AM) [snapback]235109[/snapback]</div>
    Unfortunately Peter just can't seem to put comments in a time perspective. The statement, "I just said I wanted to stay anonymous" was not posted by Peter until long after the initial post of "Check this out" and the link to his begging website. The fact is that for whatever reason Peter did intend to deceive people, he stated that in Post #21. I am just pointing out yet another false statement and false conclusion posted by Peter.

    A bit more "reassessing" also needs to be focused on the place where Peter's beloved notebook was sold.

    He states on his begging website that it was at "Carl's Jr. just off Market St." Peter then writes, "I called Carl's Jr. and asked them if they have videotapes. They said they do, and that they keep the tapes for a week." Then we find out "one cop said, 'Those tapes would have not shown anything because those guys sell things just outside Carl's Jr., not inside.' I was shocked. So the cops know this is going on all the time, but they don't do anything about it?"

    The really interesting thing is that "Carl's Jr." is not a pawnshop, as some people might think from reading the story. It is actually a "beer bar," at least according to "pubcrawler." "Pubcrawler is the leading beer search engine for people looking for quality beer in the United States and Canada." At least that's what they say on their website. Why that particular beer bar has been chosen by "California," the big bad burglar, to be his place to sell stolen merchandise people can only wonder.
  16. pcjr

    pcjr New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 5 2006, 02:21 PM) [snapback]235405[/snapback]</div>
    "Long after"? If we are to put things into time perspective, how is logging into Priuschat a day later and responding considered "long after"? Whether it's Post #21 or Post #5 depends on how active the thread is. You claim to be the beacon of truth, but you sound more like a distorter of if it cover up your lack of reading comprehension skills and reasoning. And you still haven't explained why I'd want to be anonymous and yet post a photo of my face when all is said and done.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 5 2006, 02:21 PM) [snapback]235405[/snapback]</div>
    You must be living in the boondocks or backwaters of the country. They sell Priuses in your area? Carl's Jr. is a fast food restaurant. Looks like your "reassessing" was done rather thoughtlessly. Again.
  17. pcjr

    pcjr New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 5 2006, 01:00 PM) [snapback]235366[/snapback]</div>
    Talk is cheap. And it's so easy for you to say what ought to be done and how the situation should have been handled. Therefore, let's hope you do get burglarized, and we can all see how manly your actions will be.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sub3marathonman @ Apr 5 2006, 01:00 PM) [snapback]235366[/snapback]</div>
    Well, it seems like (yet again) that you make a lot of careless assumptions. For one thing, I only had planned to spend a couple hours going out, would definitely have been back in bed by 3am, gotten at least 5 hours of sleep in addition to the 3 hours I napped prior to going out, which is enough for me to work 30 hours straight without going loopy. Secondly, I don't drink. Maybe you tend to drink and get drunk, or do God knows what else, but don't apply your alcoholic habits onto anyone else. (This scenario is similar to how you view women as weak and therefore assume that everyone else thinks the same.) I do have a crazy work schedule, and I plan even my leisurely activities down to the minute. I just didn't need to be burglarized to disrupt things, and I certainly don't need your nagging criticisms on top of that.

    At this point, it's pretty clear that you're grasping for any little hairs to split -- to the point of making further gross errors and assumptions about my drinking habits and what Carl's Jr. actually is, for example. You're quite sloppy in your research, and I really am curious as to what your day job is.
  18. gilahiker

    gilahiker New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
    New Mexico
    2010 Prius
    Can we just give this thread a rest? Everyone is beating a very dead horse at this point.

    pcjr...a word of advice. Just accept that your OP was not well received by PC and certainly the rest of your fairly defensive posts are also not well received by PC and get on with life. Life is too short to to be so wrapped up in this one, truly minor incident and misguided OP.
  19. pcjr

    pcjr New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gilahiker @ Apr 5 2006, 05:30 PM) [snapback]235509[/snapback]</div>
    Yeah, I really have to move on. I should be able to get on with my life even though it's less than 2 weeks since the burglary, and part of the reason it still seems fresh in my mind (and therefore quite disabling) is having to defend myself from people like sub3 who apparently are just trolling to spread ill will. This reminds me of an episode of the X-files where a guy with a brain tumor can make people die just by suggesting it, and this cop on the phone couldn't put down the phone, so he died of a massive heart attack because the brain tumor guy kept trolling him about his clogged arteries.
  20. gilahiker

    gilahiker New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
    New Mexico
    2010 Prius
    I'm glad you agree. I know that it is traumatizing to be burglarized, but sometimes its better to just get on with life. Although the car was damaged and you did lose materials things...no one lost a life and material goods can be replaced...both important things to realize.