BT Tech Stiffening Plate does not improve ride

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by John in LB, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Jun 3 2007, 07:36 PM) [snapback]454625[/snapback]</div>
    Excuse me, but exactly how was I preaching against it?

    All I have said is that until someone can show me some substantive data on what improvement the plate makes, I am not inclined to spend $165 to buy one. A 'seat of the pants' description is not what I am looking for. Of course, if BT Tech put a money-back guarantee on the product, I might give it a try.
  2. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
  3. Tyrin

    Tyrin New Member

    Mar 17, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 3 2007, 07:36 PM) [snapback]454650[/snapback]</div>
    Just ignore windstrings. He gets defensive and starts name-calling every time someone actually doubts the almighty plate. You could read PAGES of it if you wanted to. Apparently, believing the people like Darrel, Allan, Tom, and John and NOT believing WindStrings means you are claiming facts that you have no foundation for...
  4. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 3 2007, 07:36 PM) [snapback]454650[/snapback]</div>
    Swanny, I wasn't talking about your preaching... only others that cannot accept any challenging about thier unfounded thinking.

    I'm skeptical about everything I buy thats new, but I just don't let my fear cripple me into never trying anything new and taking a chance.... some people need written stone from God it seems to confirm its ok to risk a few bucks on something.

    Take all the time you want and do all the research you want and don't buy unless your sold.

    But after re-reading the post.. I see you may not have been referring to me at all "FloridaWen" may have been who Rxmxsh was referring too in respect to Brian..... my apologies if so.

  5. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 3 2007, 04:32 PM) [snapback]454623[/snapback]</div>
    I am kind of surprised that none of the BT plate's fans (or detractors for that matter) have done something like that - it is not as if large flat parking lots don't exist. The G-TECH/Pro seems like the perfect instrumentation to measure the gains.
  6. John in LB

    John in LB Life is good

    Aug 5, 2006
    Orange County
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I'm skeptical about everything I buy thats new, but I just don't let my fear cripple me into never trying anything new and taking a chance.... some people need written stone from God it seems to confirm its ok to risk a few bucks on something.

    Take all the time you want and do all the research you want and don't buy unless your sold.


    Windstring: Your credibility when it comes to this BT plate is on the line here. You are such a strong supporter of it, that I would have thought the effects should have been apparent... but they are not... not even in the least. Are you somehow involved in selling the BT Plate? Are you personally benefiting from the sales?

    If not, then what were you smoking? I mean come on... even if I am dead wrong; the plate just cannot make that HUGE of a difference... so why be that adamant that it is the best thing since sliced bread? It just does not add up.

    Anyway, you are certainly welcome to your opinion... I just object to how ardent you are about how right you are... (Especially given that the effects of the plate are negligible at best!)

    So, let me be clear: get off your high horse and respect opposing views... At least some of them are based on testing and measurement - yours are just wind songs....
  7. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(apriusfan @ Jun 3 2007, 10:10 PM) [snapback]454701[/snapback]</div>
    Exactly. If I were selling a product like this, I would provide some data to back-up my claims of improved handling, or I would offer a money-back guarantee. Everything I have read is purely anecdotal. It's not that I don't think that the BT Tech Stiffening Plate is not a quality product, I just am not sure that it really works.
  8. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(John in LB @ Jun 3 2007, 09:20 PM) [snapback]454707[/snapback]</div>
    I never said it was Huge.... I know there are volumes to read, but if you have read previous post, it would clear up allot of confusion as allot of these issues roll over and over with new people popping in.

    I'll repeat what I have posted twice in the past:

    the plate for me was hard to tell if there was in improvement at all the first two days I had it because I was stuck in crowded traffic going to work travelling at modest speeds in straight lines without any undue stress or torque on my suspension system.

    If you would have snuck it on my car I most probrably would not have noticed....

    However when I encountered my mountain driving, cascading down hills going into turns, even exiting off freeway ramps that then go into circles and encountering the strong east wind of the Columbia Gorge with crosswinds while going over the 205 Bridge and even crosswinds of 18 wheeler passerbys going the opposite direction.... then I did notice a big difference!

    Common sense tells us if we make a modification that aids in stability, we will never notice that modification except under stress.

    Now other folks have claimed to notice as soon as they put it on!.... I don't claim to be the most sensitive driver in the world, but I am in tune with my car.

    and no I make no profit, but I do feel an obligation for defend what is right against those who love to attack good things just because they don't understand them and can't control them and get credit or glory for them.

    I have said in the past... if I believe in something, I will defend it ...but with the same intensity, if something is wrong and smells, I will challenge it with the same ferocity.

    Whats wrong with being passionate?... Its better than being dead?

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(John in LB @ Jun 3 2007, 09:20 PM) [snapback]454707[/snapback]</div>
    I have no credibility problems here... I have allot history on this forum and by now its quite obvious I don't pull punches but lay the cards on the table for all to see.

    Speaking of laying the cards on the table and credibility... may I ask you question?

    Did you purchase your plate from Alande?
  9. Tyrin

    Tyrin New Member

    Mar 17, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Jun 3 2007, 06:36 PM) [snapback]454625[/snapback]</div>
    Who was making claims of fact here (on this, current thread)? Or did you just bring out that line because you like it so much? :rolleyes:

    As for the 4%, .04%, whatever, it doesn't matter. What matters is that, yes, everyone will believe what they choose, and look for confirmation of those beliefs. That's the way life works. I choose to believe these gents are credible, skeptical, and honest. Their statements jive with my limited understanding of the subject. I also respect your comments that it was a subtle shift, at least under most situations. To me those are not contradictory positions. Many of us are NOT driving down mountains daily, therefore the same plate could be worthless in a given situation, or priceless in another. The Prius handles fine for me, I've decided I don't need it "fixed", and these posts have confirmed that the possible minor improvement wouldn't be worth it.

    If I can accept the fact that, yes, under seriously stressful conditions, the plate MIGHT help, would you be willing to concede that, yes, under normal daily driving conditions, many MIGHT not be able to tell the difference? I think that kind of acceptance from both sides could put the whole issue to rest.
  10. Gadgetdad

    Gadgetdad New Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    Modesto, California
    2010 Prius
    :( Wow, maybe we should just take a poll to see if it works! I knew mine did the moment I backed out of the drive way and hit the street with one wheel on the street and one wheel on the gutter slope. Having read the posts about the BT plate before ordering it, I was keenly observing how the car handled without the plate and did indeed feel a noticable difference in my 07 Touring when installed. I didn't have anyone jump up and down on the seats though......... I'm with Godiva, my next Prius (hopefully plug-in) will have a BT plate installed as well!

    B) Lee
  11. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    The handling on a car is an extremely subjective experience. In support of this I would like to offer my subjective experience of how the handling on my Prius has changed HUGELY and very noticeably compared to how it handled a few weeks ago. The accelerator and the brake have become much more sensitive, so that I barely touch them and they respond as though I had stomped on them, while the steering has become much more stable and the cornering has become so smooth and tight that I can take corners fast and hardly feel it.

    What have I modified on my Prius? What have I changed? Nothing! So then, what can explain this enormous change in its handling? Just this: For the past three weeks my Prius has sat in the garage and only been out three times, while I have been driving my ZAP Xebra. After driving the Xebra, the Prius, by comparison, is a sports car.

    What's my point? My point is that subjective experience is unreliable. Every scientist knows that anecdotal reports are meaningless. Solid information is needed. That's why I rely on Consumer Reports when I'm shopping for a car, rather than celebrity testimonials.

    Having said that, however, i will say that, subjectively, The ZAP Xebra, while not being an especially well-constructed car, is enormous fun. The Prius is boring by comparison.

    So if you really want to improve the handling of your Prius, forget about the BT Plate. Buy a Xebra instead, use it for all your trips of under 40 miles, and when you do get in your boring old Prius again, it'll handle like a Jaguar. (And you'll really save gas, because the Xebra doesn't use any!)
  12. Rxmxsh

    Rxmxsh Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    Fort Worth, Tx
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 3 2007, 05:36 PM) [snapback]454650[/snapback]</div>
    This is along the lines of what I was trying to express. While I personally think that the plate makes a difference, there has to be some data from the MAKERS of the plate. I think that data would be quite useful.

    Side note: yes, i was talking about floridawen. I understand there are pages to dig through, and it did stop, hence the ":D" It's hard not to have tangeants and "side notes" :p when a post gets to be this long.
  13. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Gadgetdad @ Jun 4 2007, 01:20 AM) [snapback]454821[/snapback]</div>
    Lee, you are the first '07 TOURING (that I know of) that has replied about the "effects" BT PLATE, whether it be positive or negative, in this case very positive for you :)

    I also own a brand new '07 Touring and in various threads about the "BT Plate" I have asked over-and-over does anyone have a plate on the Touring ????? Never got a definite response specifically about the '07 Touring, just general answers (with some turning to heated "debates" like this thread has done), about "older" Prius as well as NON-Touring Prius models that had the plate installed.

    If you are following this thread (which I did NOT start !!) I have posted a few times to the Manufacturer (Brian) as I am anxiously waiting for mine to be shipped and it is going on a two week "wait" now....... I guess this had annoyed a poster (or two) and I was "told" about it, although by that time Brian and I have been exchanging email and PM'ing (off-line) !! Brian politely explained the "situation" (back ordered) and now we have a very good understanding as well as I now have realistic delivery expectaions rather than just waitng each day for the UPS truck to come.............

    It is truly amazing how "passionate" some posters are about how positive the BT Plate works and others get downright mean and will argue 'till the end of time about how it is a waste of money. Regardless, as I said in several replies, I have ordered one and I am anxious to TRY it........... I am NOT a rich ($$) person by any means and if it proves to be "marginal" or "extremely little" improvement in our new Prius then it was MY "gamble".......... on the other hand, if it helps quite a bit, as it did for YOU and many others, then I will certainly (a no brainer) feel like it was money well spent.

    I also understand that many have suggested that there be MORE "proof", specifically TEST RESULTS, of the positive effects the BT Plate has and I really like the POLL idea YOU suggested.....very smart idea !! But for now we can just rely on the "testimony of real world Prius owners that have installed one and love it or hate it ??)" !! Well maybe in the future there might be, but for now I just sit and wait for mine to arrive so I can install it and TRY IY OUT............ in the real world !!
  14. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius

    Be sure to give us your anecdotal experience with the BT Tech plate, especially what difference it makes with the touring package. Opinions are always interesting.

    BTW, if there is interest in putting a poll together, I will offer my services. I have written many polls and customer satisfaction surveys in my professional career and can create one for this.
  15. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 4 2007, 06:34 AM) [snapback]454861[/snapback]</div>
    :D Why of course I will............... remember, my Wife drives the new Prius 99.9% of the time (so far.... my chance will come soon) and she is a very experienced driver. She will "feel" the difference, (if there is any), believe me !! She is not a road racer, but she is not a fool either. Perhaps the very first few hundred miles she was driving this new Prius (about two weeks ago) and ran into some really gusty and fierce cross-winds on the Interstate (I-4) she "over-compensated" the very "new and extremely touchy steering" and went into a "panic-mode" because the vehicle swayed quite a bit over the highway......... I also went into that same mode creating a CAPITALIZED title PC Forum post. We have since realized the steering in a Prius is "tight and very responsive", NOTHING like the MDX we traded-in or even the '04 CR-V we still have.
    Remember........ SHE is NOT a Slalom or AutoCross racer (as I used to be many years ago, just weekend hobby) but again, she has lots of driving experience and in her day was a bit of an "agressive" (quick lane changing) driver which she has mellowed down immensely in the past few years, but she likes our new '07 Prius and she too is as anxious as me (and now YOU B) ) to feel the "effects" of adding the BT PLATE to our TOURING !!
  16. priussoris

    priussoris New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
    When the plate arrives install on your prius without the wife even knowing it arrived/or installed and then see if she says " hey this feels different" it would be a good blind study at the most.
    Good luck and I hope you receive it soon.
  17. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priussoris @ Jun 4 2007, 08:09 AM) [snapback]454877[/snapback]</div>
    An EXCELLENT suggestion, but she takes the new Prius to work every day (gone from 6:30 AM 'til 6:00 PM, or later) and on weekends she is active "outside" and will definitely "see" me under our new vehicle parked in the garage :blink: ..............
    Actually SHE reads PriusChat Forums almost as much as I do, and has a "member logon and bio", and follows many of the threads............ but she refuses to actually "write" any forum messages or replies in "fear" of being ridiculed (on occasion) as I get................
  18. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaWen @ Jun 4 2007, 08:16 AM) [snapback]454878[/snapback]</div>
    You need thicker skin. I don't think anyone has ridiculed you. Now, a few of us have take a few pokes at you in jest, but most of that is due to your peculiar style (bold, underline, italics, etc.) of responding. All of it is good natured fun.
  19. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 4 2007, 08:57 AM) [snapback]454887[/snapback]</div>
    I can't say I "enjoy" being the brunt of some form of "joke" but you are correct........ I bring it all on myself with the overuse of "quotation marks", CAPS, BOLD, underlining, italics and these smiley faces :D :( .................. I think I should have been in Graphic Advertising, or designing Billboards ??

    I AM "thick skinned" (although a few age spots are forming) it was my Wife, my sweet Wife, that is "afraid" of writing any Forum posts or replies....................

    I really enjoy this PriusChat Forum, even through the "heated discussions" I read from time to time :D and it is sooooooooooo much more "friendly" than that stick-in-the-mud Forums. I am actually suprized with some of the stuff that "gets thru" here............. no harm done, but re-opened topics in the wrong thread, straying from the original thread topics, etc............. hey, did you see the jerk that posted "porn" crap yesterday morning.............. quite disguisting, a little amusing though that it did get through !!

    When I worked for a Public School system in Connecticut (I.T. Dept.) several years ago they had all kinds of Internet and Web Browser filters and "blockers" for those "choice key words"............... so much, that the Science and Biology classes could not get access to info. they needed for term papers, etc. Oh....... those were the good 'ole days for ME...... FULL time employment, pension, Union (Connecticut)......... now I am an un-employed E.E. with over 30 years of electronic and computer experience, doing odds-and-ends "temp." jobs every once in a while, but lately I am mainly reading (and writing) to this PriusChat forum !!

    I figured that perhaps since the "Server change-over" a few days ago, the NEW Server would have some program like that in place and right off the bat would have STOPPED the forum post when it saw the word "porn" !!
  20. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Well Floridawen, even if you don't like it, "as you have a perfect right", you will still be credited with the guts to try it.

    Only one person I can think of has wanted to sell theirs and there is no problem finding a buyer.

    So many have followed these threads so long they finally fell off and got tired of the same old fights over and over about it.

    Many of the skeptics who almost bought into fighting against something they didn't even own or had never tried finally decided to try one and liked it... of course they were shunned by their former skeptics as a heretic.

    I'm amazed that there are some who will not believe even though one of their own become converted.

    I don't think "anyone" has a problem with anyone not liking this plate if they are being honest... but almost all of the rhetoric you hear from the scoffers come from those who have never even had the guts to buy the plate and try it.

    By far and by a great majority, all those who buy it seem to like it.
    There is no redicule if you try it and don't however.... unless your one of these guys that appears to be going out of his way to prove something in deceit and to carry out a mission to tear down and criticize for the fun and attention it brings. "A troll"

    I'm still cracking up at the guy who jumped up and down on the bumper to assess whether it worked!

    Anyway.. welcome to the forum and we hope you don't spend your money nor are dissappointed... but there is a high likelihood that you won't be as so many others took the same risk and were delighted.

    I myself took a double risk as I bought two at once "one for each prius" when I made my purchase... and I was doublely delighted!

    It is easy however to read these forums and get your expectations up so high that you are let down when you realize the change is subliminal and limited to stressfull situations. I don't think you'll notice as you back out of your driveway! LOL!

    But give it a chance and go do some real driving and see what you think.
    The prius obviously is not a race-car, but any modification has to be stressed to see if it works.