Seems to me if there's a stack of cars at a stand still, and someone plows into them, that person should be charged.
I don't believe the red Prius was involved; And it appears that the driver of this Prius was driving with a suspended licence. Another driver in Bruce Jenner's crash had been driving with no license | Daily Mail Online "Kim Howe, it was revealed following the crash, hadn't had a license since 2007 when she was driving her Lexus and was hit by Jenner's Escalade" Oh dear. Fatal crash with no licence? In the nick for you love, regardless of fault.
Geez, this story just keeps snowballing into more and more of a shitshow!! So, the Prius was driving with a suspended drivers license (Greattttt) and Ms. Howe, who is now deceased, wasnt licensed since 2008?!?! And they were all rear ended by an ex-olympian tranny?! I just cannot wait to hear whats next.... the first responders on the scene were a bus full of black nuns? George Zimmerman was the driver of the Chevy Volt that later drunkenly drove through the crash site?? Joking aside, this is really a mess.....
Here is an example of what Ive read in safe driving books. Dont ever turn your steering wheel into oncoming traffic while you are waiting to make a left turn. If you are rear ended you will be pushed into an oncoming vehicle . Unfortunately the deceased was steering left to avoid the Prius.
RE: Unfortunately the deceased was steering left to avoid the Prius. No, look at the picture: she was neither steering nor braking. the caddillac impacted the rear right corner and that spin the lexus into the left line: BTW, the caddi driver (he or she) didn't brake or steer either. they are the real culprits.
New theory based on pictures taken moments before the crash suggests that Jenner wasn't paying attention to the traffic and drove full speed into the traffic. First, he hit the Lexus and pushed it into on coming traffic. After the Lexus is out of the way, he rear ends the Prius. Bruce Jenner -- Car Crash Photos Could Create Problems for Jenner | If there's a way to get the unedited photos, we can determine what camera was used to take the pictures. Once we know the camera, we'll know the spec of the camera and its burst speed. Once we know the burst speed, we can convert the still pictures into a real time video. Most high end DSLR takes 4-15FPS. There are many slowmotion programs that can convert 60fps videos to 200-500fps. I'm sure the same app can convert 5fps to 30fps
it's possible. quick examination of the prius should have some clues. lexus was white while the caddy was black. paint chips imbedded in prius should be easy to see. but looking at the black prius again, the impact was well above the rear bumper, high SUV would make a lot of sense. BTW, there is another (silver) prius in the background:
Examination of the photos shows no sign of Jenner's car breaking prior the the mpact with white Lexus: no smoke from tires, no marks on the pavement, no body position shifting forward, nor his SUV is nose-diving. Was he/ she not paying attention? Alex
Yes I stand corrected. But to be on the safe side dont steer into oncoming traffic while waiting to turn.
The high impact to the black Prius can be explained. In the photo showing the black Cadillac hitting the Lexus, you can see the Lexus front end already rising up as the rear end gets smashed under the higher front end of the Cadillac. As to whether the Cadillac slowed or braked prior to the impact, they will pull data from the "black box" of all vehicles involved which will have stored vital vehicle information immediately prior to the accident like, vehicle speed, brake application/or lack thereof, etc.