Re: Acceleration Surge Going Over Bump Apology accepted. But facts, are still facts...that is, unless you are FoxNews, and then not.
Re: Acceleration Surge Going Over Bump LOL, although I don't agree with you that was a nice comeback!
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? LOL. But isn't Camry on the list of "death cars"? Isn't there some breaking news that the NHTSA just issued a (suggested) "stop driving" order on the Camry? I think he did. Good to know that you'd rather drive a death car, than the Prius. :blink:
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? Knowing what I know: February 3, 2010 11:02 AM YES! In fact I expected to be part of the early adopters who often debug and diagnose new model problems. It happened with the NHW11, NHW20 and now the ZVW30. But let's cover everything I know: ~20% of ZVW30 owners have reported this braking effect as a severe problem. About 50% have reported even experiencing it. In some cases, it can be fixed by repaving the streets. No "check engine light" when the last of the gasoline is burned. Granted I may be the only person in the universe who wished the NHW11 and NHW20 "check engine light" feature was in the ZVW30 but that is my nature. Floor mats, my car was delivered without even the floor mat clips and I had to go back and get them and install them myself. I was not alone in observing this vehicle preparation defect. I'm a 60 year old, engineer who has spent his life addressing technical issues. So I weigh these three issues versus the mileage, improved handling, improved safety systems, and better speeds and I would have bought it again ... even sooner if I could have gotten "accident avoidance" and "lane following" in my model Prius (as if anyone cares ... the Woz complaint.) Bob Wilson
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius While I've had this happen to me, I think alot of this is the regeneration "letting go" and the friction braking not stepping in to make up the difference. It does make for unpredictable braking and it can be quite startling. I have grown used to it and react accordingly. Why? It happened in the Gen 1 and Gen 2 as well, but wasn't quite as pronounced. What I don't agree with is the media making a field day, piling salt into Toyota's already open wounds. Yes, it's a problem for many. Yes, I firmly believe that Toyota will address the issue - they've already acknowledged that they're looking into it. Why sensationalize it any further? Now, if Toyota comes out and denies the problem - then it's fair game.
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? A poll associated with this thread might be informative?
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius This is what the media does. Get use to it. I also think it's flamed because of sites just like this one, where you can't differentiate legitimate claims, from those ficticious postings made by trolls, and those who would like to see Toyota taken down a few notches. If you don't think the news outlets and places like the Detroit Free Press aren't cruising this site looking for nuggets, you are incredibly naive. Hate to break the news to you - But this site is contributing to the hype and hysteria...and I don't see any of the moderators attempting to do anything about it. Oh, and I'm not talking about censorship. I'm talking about consolidation of countless threads on (essentially) the same topic.
Re: Acceleration Surge Going Over Bump FoxNews is not news. Unfortunately CNN is now almost as bad. The major news organizations are now in the entertainment industry. We might as well get our news from Comedy Central. Tom
Re: Acceleration Surge Going Over Bump Tom, I agree with you 100%. I find that I am better informed when I watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert ( The T is silent).
Re: Acceleration Surge Going Over Bump Detroit Free Press, now there is an unbiased journal.... Gannett purchases Detroit Free Press Gannett owns USA Today, USA Weekend, USA Today Sports Weekly, and the USA Today Information Network. Gannett owns 100 daily newspapers in the USA; the Army Times, Navy Times, Navy Times Marine Corps, Air Force Times, Federal Times, Defense Times, and Military Market. Gannett also owns: 16 newspapers in the United Kingdom 16 television stations in the USA Partial interests in the Cincinnati Reds, Classified Ventures Com LLC, (with competitors Knight Ridder, the New York Times Company, Times Mirror, Washington Post Co., and Tribune Co.) Quarter share in BrassRing Inc. (Human Resources services and software) Gannett partners with General Electric (GE) on and with Kight Ridder and Tribune Media on
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius It's not just piling on, it's coordinated. Merely days after the first of these threads started, MSM was pointing AT PRIUSCHAT as their reference so they could get the story started. That's no mere coincidence. The % of owners complaining is astronomically lowert than that of the % of complaints on the Cobalt losing power steering...But you don't see that story trumpeted.
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius What are they supposed to do? Follow the Chinese example? Besides, this benifits the site too with all the added attention.
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius **Merged a half-dozen or more threads into this common topic** Let's keep this within the same thread topic instead of starting new thread after new thread, thanks!
Re: Japanese Government Orders Toyota To Investigate Complaints Over 2010 Prius Brakes It's not acceleration. If you're tires are not on the ground you cannot POSSIBLY accelerate. The buzzword being pushed is "surge". It's a nifty scary word. ALL cars have a sensation like that when the tires lose contact with the ground.
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius Commendable... But, Good luck with that! As if trolls bother to read the previous comments/discussion. They WANT to see the board littered with the topic.
Re: Acceleration Surge Going Over Bump I think you may be correct on this. Several days ago, I experience the acceleration situation the first time when I was driving about 25 mph. I think I may have hit a slight bump. At that moment my foot was off both brake and accelerator and I felt a surge but I did not apply the brake. That surge was quick and went away and my car did not went faster. I just continue to drive and went home.
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius Moderation is a thankless job. I'm glad the topic is getting focus, but readily understand why the car functions this way. There's a technical reason why the regen lets go over bumps - whether it to prevent a power surge or spike, or to protect the PSD. Where the shortcoming is that a calculated proportionate amount of friction braking isn't applied when regen lets go.