LOL..was in jest as hdad busting on me for one post last week. Never trashed Toyota if you look at my posts. Had a Lexus before this with over 200K, so have been a Toyota owner for a long time.
Re: Toyota warns of possible brake problems in 2010 Prius It is getting ridiculous - gas pedal problems, floor mat problems, brake problems. My hope is that I will be able to buy a loaded 2011 Prius a bit cheaper due to all this hysteria. Why shouldn't I profit from hysteria and paranoia? Everyone else is.
Re: Japanese Government Orders Toyota To Investigate Complaints Over 2010 Prius Brakes Now my question is - the tweak of the ECU to improve braking, will that affect regen braking in a bad (e.g. less regeneration) way?
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? Getting snotty isn't going to help anything. I know it's frustrating. PriusChat addressed these issues years ago. The answers are all here for anyone willing to take the time to read. In short: 1) The "loss of braking" sensation is not new. We have been discussing it since the introduction of the Gen II in 2004. While disconcerting at first, long term members of PriusChat understand why it occurs and realize that it is not dangerous. 2) The scraping and noisy brake issue comes from lack of use. The Prius seldom uses its friction brakes, and when it does, it is usually at very low speed. This allows for a build-up of dirt and rust. You can remedy this problem by occasionally using the friction brakes. Shift to N and brake. This forces the Prius to use the friction brakes, and in the process, will remove rust and dirt. Other than that, stop worrying. This whole kerfuffle is a tempest in a teapot, stirred to a frenzy by the media. Tom
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? No issue at all for me. It is a just media harassment in the Internet age. Everything is spreaded very rapidly around the globe. Journalists are looking for the sensation and mainly bad news. It can be a part of automotive industry war also, because no real competitors for P 2010 on US market yet and automakers can be trying to stop the higher market penetration for P 2010. I'd be more then happy if Toyota fix this sudden problem, but it is not a safety trouble.
Re: Japanese Government Orders Toyota To Investigate Complaints Over 2010 Prius Brakes Hey, I'm all for this. The more investigations, the better. Get all the FACTS out on the table as soon as we can. AS is is now, there's way too much crap floating around as to what's going on. With some of these posts, it seems like every possible issue that someone has about any Toyota car, they are all linked. Time to separate out fact from fiction. What's real and what's not. What's a defect in 1 out of every million cars, and what happens in 1 out of 10,000? Time to go to work.
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? My words. Don't worry, be happy
This is old news... The second stop I have to make going into town is on a surface that's become washboarded by heavy trucks stopping there and wrinkling the asphalt. Since day 1, my 2005 Prius has not stopped smoothly on that surface -- the brakes DO "fail", in that I can't stop where I intend to. I've always thought it was an ABS anomaly of some kind, and have never thought to complain about it, although I can see where it could result in an accident.
Re: Japanese Government Orders Toyota To Investigate Complaints Over 2010 Prius Breaks We don't have any other information besides the news source. Hope you'll see Toyota's official comments for the US and other regions soon. Ken@Japan
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? Disagree. Too many posters here simply don't take the time to read, which was EXACTLY my point. They either don't want to read/investigate to find out truth from fiction...or are simply here to stir the pot. So, do I care that trolls, whiners or those not willing to read before leaping get ruffled feathers? No, I do not. I first learned about this site from a friend who said I should check it out before buying a prius, but then warned me it's full of whiners and people making unsubstantiated claims (so don't believe all that I read, and not to get too alarmed). He went on to say that he no longer visits this site because, to quote him, it's no longer very useful because the factual content has been obscured by all the rants and raves. I now see his point, and he was dead on right.
Re: Japanese Government Orders Toyota To Investigate Complaints Over 2010 Prius Brakes This is regarding temporary perceived acceleration when going over a pothole, which is perfectly normal?
Re: Braking problems especially on wet roads The second stop I have to make going into town is on a surface that's become washboarded by heavy trucks stopping there and wrinkling the asphalt. Since day 1, my 2005 Prius has not stopped smoothly on that surface -- the brakes DO "fail", in that I can't stop where I intend to. I've always thought it was an ABS anomaly of some kind, and have never thought to complain about it, although I can see where it could result in an accident. I've also noticed it on puddly roads, but haven't yet had the bad fortune to be able to try it on snow. I regularly drive 2 other vehicles with ABS that do NOT behave this way; maybe it's time to look up the NHTSA website... No, it's not tires.
Re: This is old news... If you removed the ABS and the computers, do you think you could stop any better? It would be interesting to see. A washboard surface can interfere with braking by bouncing the wheels. A lot of it depends on the exact road surface, and your car's combination of tires, wheels, and suspension. My old Jeep C-J5 was completely uncontrollable on a heavy washboard, and it was devoid of computers and ABS. One of the issues that comes up over and over, but is generally ignored, is that there are a lot of situations where cars don't brake very well, regardless of ABS, regeneration, or any other sophisticated systems. Put a car on ice and it will not stop, unless you are running studs or chains. Is that the fault of the ABS? No. It is simply physics reminding us that we shouldn't drive fast on ice. Tom
Maybe I need to copy and paste below as looks like you can't read. Salespeople was just one comment. Deadhorse??...looks like the floodgates are open on this issue, so nice try My earlier comments: - Never said was urgent or extemely dangerous. I'm sure they triage requests accordingly, or maybe you have some insight and know *every* submission is very urgent. - Actually it will be next week as I'm at 9+K, so I can wait until then. Give me time to compile my maps Why?...not like the aceleration issue where the car goes off the road. As I said, it a concern, but not urgent.
Re: Braking problems especially on wet roads Please don't shotgun post. You made this same post on another thread. Tom
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? I have experienced the "braking issue" a few times, first time was quite a surprise and I was more than a little bit upset. "My new Prius just shouldn't have acted that way." and I certainly didn't appreciate comments from people who implied that it was all in my head or somehow my fault. When people have problems we should do a little better job of listening. Now that I know what it feels like and when it is likely to happen it's really not a big deal for me, just a quirk. I can usually avoid it by planning ahead. But it is definitely real. I can also attest that some cars don't have the problem, my 2005 Prius never exhibited such behavior no matter how I drove it. I really don't think it is much of a safety issue. In my experience it only seems to happen at lower speeds, below 15 or 20 MPH. It also doesn't mean you have "no brakes" just a sudden decrease in braking force which you automatically compensate for by pushing the pedal down further. To answer the original question, yes I would still buy the car. Now if I had known about all the rattles I might not have bought it , but I'm still working on those.
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? If all this was going on back in July when I bought the car, I probably would not have bought it. I generally weight all the options. I probably would have pushed the Camry I had another year till things go sorted out (first year thing). p.s. I have never felt the sensation thing... I kinda feel left out! I have been looking for an oppertunity everywhere I go.
Re: Would you still have bought a Prius if you knew about brake issues? Knowing this problem, and not experiencing it , I am not sure if I would have bought it. But having experienced it now on 10 odd times and knowing what causes it, I do not regret buying Prius at all. However I do believe Toyota should address this. This could certainly cause accidents, more likely fender bender of sorts, but nevertheless an accident is an accident. The fix for this also would likely be in software rather than in any components as such. There is another braking issue in Prius. Rather it is more or less in all cars to some extent. But it is much more prevalent in Prius due to regenerative braking. On a rainy day Prius wheels tend to grab when coming to a deadstop. I believe this is due to brake pads do not heat up enough to dry them. I will live with this issue. There is no hazard other than a jerk you feel at deadstop. But I also get more than twice more life out of my brakepads.
Re: Acceleration Surge Going Over Bump OMG, I apologize. I didn't realize you were a Fox News basher and a far left wing n*t. :noidea: Sorry for wasting other readers time by responding to his posts. not :shocked: