There's some electronics involved though, at least it feels like it. The issue dissipates quickly too. Coast Cruiser stuff.
Interesting - mine goes down in 5km/hr increments - yes, I'd imagine with the bigger increments it could be. I didn't realise that Britain was still using MPH - you learn something new every day.
Yup! Our leaders left us with GB£ but decimalised the pennies, which had been the duo-decimal (12) system. We use miles not kilometers and mpg but all fluids (including petrol) are sold in litres. Elsewhere all measurements are metric including weights. Oh, I almost forgot - we had to change from Fahrenheit to Celsius as well. And you guys always wondered why I seem confused and dizzy!
Typoes can be fun, especially from a phone. I will leave that one up for the humor factor. Yours only does 5mph increments?
As set up from dealer, yes. Haven't played too seriously with it yet because I use override methods instead. Know what you mean about phones and fingers tho. LOL
That would be weird - thinking of Miles Per Galleon when you buy it in Litres - my mind is trying to ... no, I'll just go to bed instead - it is 11pm anyway
Typoes are definitely fun. You could het a *lot* of miles from one of those. galleon - definition of galleon in English | Oxford Dictionaries A sailing ship in use (especially by Spain) from the 15th to the 18th centuries, originally as a warship, later for trade. Galleons were typically square-rigged and had three or more decks and masts:
OK - so it seems it depends on where you live - or is it where you drive? Mine is the same as Britain, except it uses 1 or 5km/hr, Britain 1 or 5 MPH. But the USA Manual says: Fine adjustment: By 1 mph (1.6 km/h)*1 or 1 km/h (0.6 mph)*2 each time the lever is operated For the U.S. mainland, Hawaii Large adjustment: Increases or decreases in 1 mph (1.6 km/h)*1 or 1 km/h (0.6 mph)*2 increments for as long as the lever is held For Canada, Guam, Saipan and Puerto Rico Large adjustment: Increases or decreases in 5 mph (8 km/h)*1 or 5 km/h (3.1 mph)*2 increments for as long as the lever is held Not sure what happens when a USA vehicle crosses the border into CANADA - does it change citizenship?
Galleons and Gallons are quite hysterical - woops historical for those of us who were metric converted.
This time of year, it likely starts shivering. I remember the "fun" with my Virginia Corolla in Canada during record cold weather.
Divide either unit into 235.2, the result is the conversion. Well, that's between liters per 100 km and miles per US gallon. The aforementioned number would vary a bit for conversion to imperial gallon. Give me a mo and I'll try to work it out. It is just simple math, distilled down. Addendum: For conversion to imperial gallon, I believe the number becomes 282.46 (roughly): 235.2 times 1.20095
I just type UnitJuggler mpg in GOOGLE . I love the l/100km system we have - use more fuel, you get a bigger figure, and it's always proportional & linear.
But in the US bigger is better. The higher the number, the more you save and saving is better than spending.
4.55 Litres to the UK gall(e)on so divide miles travelled by litres used and multiply by 4.55 to get mpg.