Re: hockeydad, I'm surprised at you! Well i got the pkg 2 so i thought it was a really good deal because of the technology in it. You know even though i agree with you that the interior is cheaply made, the technology is very advanced, and the new aerodynamic body change of the car isn't exactly cheap to make. The solar panels that you have is probably expensive too. Toyota is actually selling it quite cheap for the advanced technology it has in the Prius. If gm had the same car, the car price would rise by $10 k trust me. Toyota just has the power to produce an expensive car at a cheaper price. on the other hand, rarely anyone gets a toyota for their interior workmanship or quality inside unless its a lexus. So its your own fault to not research. I've known this since my friends had toyotas even when i was driving european cars like you. Obviously Bmw, mercedez, audi, porsche,maserati, land rover, and even lexus have better interior quality, workmanship and leather, but come on. It's because you are paying loads more for the improvement in interior lol... and now you're complaining like you never knew that. Those german cars are great, but I like the prius in its own way, the mpg, the fact its hybrid and its pretty fun to drive so far. If you were really concerned about interior quality and workmanship and wanted a hybrid, you should of thought about the lexus hybrid. Definitely better quality, But ofcourse its more expensive.
Did you seriously create a new account hockeydad? Thats pretty sad IMHO...especially since you're now replying to the old thread showing everyone that the new account is you...
Lol i saw hockeydad replying with a nick, and then it got deleted real quick. Any reason why he got banned? I was wondering what car he traded in the prius for . Hehe
i've had this brake "hiccup" happen to me after hitting a manhole cover a couple weeks ago (first time since buying it in Nov 2010) , and i don't feel that is potentially dangerous for me, since for it to happen my foot is on the brake pedal anyway. happened once, not a HUGE deal. that being said, i really don't like it, scared the crap out of me. I don't think it's something i should have to worry about, and i don't think it's something i should have to get used to or put up with. maybe i'd put up with it if it were a ford or hyundai, but i've owned toyotas and lexuses in the past, and still do, and this is not what i'm used to. maybe this way of thinking is unfair, but this is what kept me coming back to toyota and lexus. sorry if this offends some people here. so consensus is that the brake fix just makes the brakes more sensitive, am i correct? for now i'd rather put up with pothole anxiety, hopefully a new fix is in the works.
I've been kind of holding off. I'd like to make sure the cure isn't worse than the problem. I felt the same as you the first time I had the "hiccup" it scared the crap out of me too, but it was no problem the next two times because I knew what it was and exactly how to deal with it. I haven't had it at all now in 6 or 7 thousand miles so I'm seriously considering not doing the recall. Once you have it done you can't go back and I like the way the brakes feel now. I haven't driven a car with the fix so I don't really know for sure how it would feel. I don't think there will be another fix though, especially with all the media problems Toyota is having.
A 1/2 second delay in braking will let your car travel 22 feet further when trying to stop from 30mph and experiencing the "dropout". Sliding over a manhole cover only adds 2 feet. This dropout adds over a car length to stopping distance. If there is another car or a child or a dog in front of you and you go an extra 22 feet OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO FREAK OUT. Brakes are for STOPPING the vehicle and protecting life and property. Antilock brakes that absurdly PREVENT the vehicle from stopping in time are of NO use. PERIOD. First, do no harm.
I had tire wear that was consistent with bad struts (cupping). So I replaced the struts when I replaced the rubber. It is possible that the struts may have been damaged in an accident I was in a couple years earlier.