Thanks for the pictures. So it definitely looks more blue than teal, at least under bright lights at night Enjoy your new ride!
I called my dealership and they said they had an email from Toyota saying that production and delivery of the Prime has been halted and I would not be able to get my Prime for at least 120 days. This is unfortunate news for anyone that has ordered a Prime that has not shipped yet in the Southeast. Crewdog got his just in time... They contacted the distributor who said there are two Prime Pluses inbound, both of which they will take since there is another person interested in the Prime at my dealership. One in Blizzard Pearl, the other in Hypersonic Red. I'm pretty sure I ordered first so I may get to choose which color to get but I can't decide... Red looks cooler and won't show dirt quite as easily, but Blizzard Pearl will likely resell better, age slightly better and is less "edgy" I think. Anyone think I should pick one color or the other? I plan on driving the Prime for a long while!
Why would production stop? Odd. I might want a 2nd opinion. Does that give them an excuse to jack the price? I have a red 2011 Prius and it shows dirt a lot. I'd go with the lighter color. Good luck. Ordered my Prime Nov. 7th and no word on it yet. If the production thing is true I am sure I will be a part of it...that is my luck.
Are you in Boston, bisco? I believe the dealership said it was only the Southeast Toyota dealership that has production stopped for them so I think it should continue everywhere else. I only have a shot at getting one within a month or two because there was a ship carrying a couple to the Southeast distributor that will arrive soon/has just arrived.
southeast is it's own entity, and some funky things go on there. no idea why production would stop for them only, but what do i know?
My off the cuff guess is that by production, they mean Southeast's at the port installation of extras to jack up the price.
My sales guy showed me that email too. He did say that Stonecrest Toyota on eastside of Atlanta got a Prime, dont know if it sold yet. Well worth the wait though.
Haha. But yeah, that blue/moonstone combo is fantastic. I can see that the blue changes shade depending on lighting and depending on viewing angle. It's a cool colour.
My wife has yet to chime in on the color but I'm now leaning to the grey because in blends in with the front fascia ... which I have to say has not grown on me with time.
Yup, it is a cool colour. Now all I have to do now is work out the buggs with remote climate and remote charging status. Although I did get an email alert that my car has completed charging.
Perhaps because the SE distributor notified Toyota that they were not placing any orders for a couple of months ? If I lived in that territory I would plan to shop out of state.
welp, got the buggs worked out. I can now heat up the inside of my car from the comfort of my 14th floor apartment as well as see the charging status on my phone.
How did you do that. When mine works, it takes a really long time. And the climate often returns a 'setting failed' message. Do we know which cellular network the Prime uses?
Well, let's see.....I have the Climate set to Auto before I shut off the car. And I also was working with the Toyota Entune guys, they must have tweaked something on their end to get it to work. And we uninstalled the app from the phone then reinstalled it. They also went online with my email address and password to see if they could see if everything was hunky dory. I'm not sure if remote climate works if you're not plugged in. The battery if fully charged will start charging again and take about an hour and a half (120VAC) to completely charge. Climate takes about 10 minutes then shuts off.
I've had it actually work (occasionally), so it does work when not plugged in. One thing is that every time I want to use it, the app asks for my 4 digit pin. Every time. It's not a bank, the app should remember it. Maybe I should re-install also.
Good to know because while I'm at work (2.7 miles away) and no way to charge, I can warm up the car or use the defroster before I get off work?