Jasonheng15 So are we maybe talking past each other ? If you mean the car get gets quite comfortably warm afte just 4-5 minutes then that would be good,but if you mean it takes 4-5 minutes until actually any warm air enters the cabin,that would be disappointing considering we are talking about a heat pump of which I would expect producing warm air as soon as turned on . BTW what kind of impact has pre-heat on ev range ?
wouldn't the time it takes for a heat pump to start producing significant heat depend on ambient temp?
Does it have supplemental electric resistance heat strips like a home heat pump Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
He did say "any real heat" takes 4-5 mins. A Gen 3 (with the EBH) takes about that long (~5 mins) to actually get warm air in but that's at -20°C. I did have it in ECO mode so maybe it would've been a bit sooner in normal mode? Definitely want to make use of the pre-heat function (and why not! It'll run for 10 mins)
Yes I missed that somehow,he said "any real heat" after 5 minutes considering hatchback Prius and "good amount of heat" meaning the Prime . I guess what got me confused a bit,is that he said the heat pump heats the cabin up almost as good as a regular heater,but "almost as good" would mean it takes even longer than the regular heater ! Considering the pre-heat function only works for about 10 min. and it would take the heat pump 5 minutes until any warm air comes out of the vents "almost as good" wouldn't make much of a difference heating up the cabin . It would be near to useless and could be considered more as a marketing gag than anything else . Glad that's obviously not the case ! When I think of my gen .3 (solar roof) on a very,very hot day,the pre-cool ac function is near to useless because it only works for 3 minutes .
really? Well you have to use it in conjuction with the SPVS. When you do, Remote A/C works most of the time. Of course if it's 35°C, it won't be a cold cabin but it's definitely a lower starting point (activated it for 1-2 mins on a 34°C day but feeling like 40 because of the humidity. I had the solar shield sun shade and one side of the car's side windows covered with another sun shade + SPVS).
Well useless was a bit hard,but what do you mean by SPVS ? Ah now I know,solar powered ventilation system . I do use it but on very hot days it's sometimes hard to tell if both in combination made a difference . If it's about 25° c outside it works fantastic!
I live in hot climate and usually operate my Gen1 A/C on Auto with 22C set temp. I find the remote A/C to be effective and even very good if I remember to lower the set temp to ~18C before leaving the car in the sun on a hot day. Operating A/C on driving (without preconditioning) I get to my face air considerably cooler than cabin temp in about 20-30 seconds and the whole cabin is comfortable (temp and humidity) in about 3-4 minutes, as I said with Auto/22C, lowering set temp or higher fun speed will accelerate this. The Prime heat pump heating uses same components and should have similar times. In very cold areas I think the combination of heat pump and heated seats could be a winner.
I'm not sure what significant means, but ... approximately .. COP * input = output The COP of a resistance heater is 1, so input = output Heat pumps start at a COP of 1.0 at low temperatures and increase with higher ambient temperatures. . A heat pump is as fast as a resistance heater, and for the same electric power often releases to the cabin more heat. The vapor recirc of the Prime increases the COP at low temperatures. I read COP of 2.2 at 14F. Unknown to me though is the maximum electric input of the heat pump. So e.g., if the heat pump was limited to 1 kW electricity but the resistance heater in your other car was 3 kW, the heat pump would require an ambient temperature high enough to reach a COP of 3.0 to release equivalent amounts of heat into the cabin.
And with pre-conditioning, gloves and warm clothes -- brilliant. I'm hoping for 300 watts during my hour highway drive, so about a 5 Wh/mile (3 Wh/km) winter penalty for comfort.
Its a plastic over lay for protection. It pealed it right off. Yesterday I was able to help prep the car. I peeled off the plastic and did minor things to help out.
It gets chilly in the mountains. Below 0F is expected every winter. This morning it is 17F at the tail end of autumn, and we expect snow Sunday and Monday
Bisco pining for the frost and snow? Lived in Flag once apon a time. OK it was Tuba but if you've been to Tuba you know what I mean. Tabular Weather Forecast for 35.33N 111.67W (Elev. 11496 ft) Runaway runaway to Florida! Thermometer in air vent vs. time = must see YT? Heat pump should be fine. It doesn't run below 14f anyway.
Now that some of you have the prime. Do you feel the extra $4k difference between the Advanced and Premium is worth it? I am torn between the two. I am trying to justify paying $37k for a Prius.