My 2012 Prius 4 is the most interesting car I have ever driven. I can track minute by minute gas usage and economy. It is like driving a computer (I'm an IT consultant part time). Sharol
It depends on your driving environtment. I get pissed off when you get tailgaters, I get too excited when you hit 54mpg or more, I feel really really good knowing that I am not burning gas in bumper to bumper traffic or at a stop light and I get bored sitting inside the prius when you are not driving and not doing anything.
Boring is staying home, because I don't want to spend gas money to drive my fun to drive car to do something fun.
I drove my FJ Cruiser for 4.5 years and 50K miles and it never got boring. I wish I still had it but I can't argue with the almost $200/month I've saved on gas over the last year.
I have really enjoyed driving my Prius. It is less exciting from the speed/acceleration standpoint but there is just something about maximizing my fuel economy that is a lot of fun for me. Not everyone will feel this way but they aren't going to be driving my car anyway. My real worry is my wife; she has grown quite attached to my Prius and I can sense her plotting to make it hers!
Sabby, Sounds like we're on the same plan. Sold my pickup to buy the Prius (as my sceen name implies), but still have aTahoe for the winter and an S2000 for when I need to get the blood pumpin'. Like others, I to enjoy the technology of the Prius, trying to maximize my MPG, laughing at others that I know are getting MPG in the teens while they commute, and telling all my friends that I'm getting 50MPG when they ask "why did you buy a Prius?". The look on their face.........Priceless.
I do not feel the Prius is boring to drive at all. Driving a ship at 10 knots for 6 hours where the only thing you can see around you is water is boring.
You want boring? try this! Bentley Admits that it's Planning a Redesign for the EXP 9 F SUV Concept - Carscoop
So many great points in this post. Lets be clear though, the car is not purchased becuase you want to race cars from 0-60. For the heck of it I followed a little too closely to a semi trailer on the way into work... I would not call that boring. However, I did not go 0-60 in under 4 seconds. If we all drove (Inster your dream car here) they would all be boring. Keep in mind, people may own a different car. (Peronally a 06 GS430... not the fastest, but the fastest, most reliable car I have owned), and if I am feeling "bored" I know what car to take. To answer the original question though, I don't find it boring becuase its a commuter, with style, all the accessories I need (hand free, nav...) and I LOVE watching the MPG. I am addicted to it. Its somewhat like driving a golf cart at times... who complains about that!