welcome phillipe! it is wonderful to have you as a new member. your pictures are beautiful, car and buildings, thank you for sharing!
Salut Phillipe, Interesting that you have the turn signals on the side mirrors. In the US we don't have them.
Hello, most of new cars (in France, in Europe also i think)have turn signals on the side of mirrors here it's nice to see and is very visible for other users. It comes in addition of traditional turn signals.
Bonjour Phil Indeed this forum is very friendly; it my is preferred ! I saw your American car on Prius Touring; it's a very nice old car. For sure you must be proud of it. 2 years ago I was in the Finister for my summer holidays : in the 'Abers' Assez étonnant de dialoguer en anglais alors que nous habitons des régions presque voisines. Rather astonishing to dialogue in English whereas we live almost close areas. a+, SYL, Guy
Zut! Je croyais être le premier à t'accueillir en Français ! Je suis curieux, est-ce que l'essence ordinaire (pétrole pour moi) est autant commun aux pompes que le diésel? On n'est pas nombreux des gens du Québec sur PriusChat, même en Anglais. J'ai pourtant le site PriusChat.com sur ma vitre arrière.
Hello Guy and Mark yes, it's strange to speak another language but it's the only way to be understood by all readers of this forum (i hope ! lol) "Les Abers" are near from my home (approx. 15/20min), nice place, wonderful colours In France, we looooooooooove diesel only because it's cheaper than "super sans plomb 95" and "super sans plomb 98". I think that in France, 60% (more ?) of cars uses diesel. Essence: 1.35 euros/L Diesel: 1.10 euros/L
Hi - Bonjour So the same in Belgium and 50% of the car fleet are company cars ! It's why some Belgian people drive big cars. YESSSS, my wife and I have loved the 'ABERS', very special country but with so beautiful colors especially with the sunset. Heureux de vous rencontrer. Si vous le désirez, on peut échanger nos email ??? Friendly, Guy
Well here, diesel is both cheaper and more expensive than regular fuel (AKI 87, RON 91) depending on which part of the country you're in.