OK, so this scares me way more than taxes do. On pure principle, I do NOT want the goverment to have the capability to track my movements any more than it already does! If Oregon implements this fully, one can only hope that somene would challenge it and that it wouldn't stand up in court. Michelle
they would just take your mileage readings when you renew your plates and add it to the charge. I have no problem with charging by the miles... It is somewhat fair, but they must take away the gas tax to do it fairly! they would need to scrub the whole system and start over!.. This would in turn drop gas prices for everybody! and raise travel cost only for those who use the roads the most! Like I said earlier.. many companies would not survive, and/or the cost would get passed to us anyway by higher food etc..... Then we will be trying to get economy cars that are not hybrid!.... they will remove the incentive to explore that avenue as others will not buy if they can get almost the same mileage without it being a hybrid.... look at the standard camry?... and many other cars are into the 30+ MPG range now! Who will want a hybrid only to be punished?
See, that I wouldn't mind so much (but I don't think all states collect mileage info at plate renewal now, so even that would be new.) But the Oregon trial is tracking cars with GPS - call me paranoid, but even if they claim to only be tracking # of miles, it's a foot in the tracking-where-I-go door and the libertarian in me doesn't like that one bit. Agreed that the system of funding roads with gas taxes is pretty screwed up to start with... but then, the tax system in general is insane, so what else is new? <_< Michelle
The bottom line; we get what we vote for. Perhaps the upcoming Canadian election as with the 06/08 US elections will cause more people to just plain vote.
Well I'm sure your not speaking about one person in particular that got voted in, because many of the laws oppose themselves and are not instigated by one mindset. One one hand, they are forking over 3100.00 as an incentive to buy a prius, then they are wanting to tax you for driving it?.... all right after "BILLIONS" of dollars were granted to improve roads in the first place? You think they would be happy with all that billions of dollars, but no!.... that too is almost like they are saying... we are going to give this to you and now we have to figure out a way to get it back!.... Doesn't make any sense eh? Its a trick... they know folks will not raise taxes, so they "give" it to us, then say... now we will have to take away all the wonderful things you will be getting unless we can tax you more to pay for what we just "gave" you! Its a game of Psychology! If I can't motivate you to give on your own.... I give you something really nice, then tell you if you don't do such and such, I will take it away! Now that we are used to our new prize, we don't want to loose it so we pay to keep it! BTW.. its a good tactic to get a teenager to go to work!... The same psychology is also played with credit cards! They know things are tight and they can't motivate you to go spend money you don't have.... so they give it to you for free!... no payments, no interest for a full year! Aren't they so nice and don't they just really think your worth it and you deserve it!.... but then later after a year you must pay up, or pay the interest too!... you don't want to lose what you already have spent or grown accustomed to, so to protect your credit and not have your car or house or whatever it was you have grown used to taken away, you go furthur in bondage and work even more hours and spend even less time with your familiy to pay for it!... Its the American Way!!!!!
I wonder if this little article is what helped spur jealousy and the "its not fair" spirit from the chamber of commerce!.... poor babies! wahhhh! :lol: http://pressroom.toyota.com/Releases/View?...YT2005112805565