I did the best I could, but after wrestling with this install, there's no way I'm going back under and feeding my arm to that thing for a long while.
No problem that I know. However, my practice has been the early morning, 'bracing sprint' since I only use it when temps are 40F or lower. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Good because it is really hard to explain and virtually impossible to show a picture of where it goes while you are lying on the ground under the car because it can not be seen! I have to put the one from my totaled '04 into my "new" '09. It was enough of a pain getting it OUT and that was with the car up on a lift in the auto body shop where it was taken after I was rear ended. You can't see squat up there once your hand is where it needs to be and I needed a small flat screwdriver to push on the clip to get it out. Now, given I had put it in 8 years ago I wasn't 100% up on it but I knew about where it was and even then I had to feel around to find the plug by first finding the wire by feel.
I would NOT do that. It won't cause any problems but unless your electricity is free, you will spend more on juice than you could possibly save on gas. Not the environmentally friendly way If your plug is in a weather safe location, just buy a plug in the wall timer at any hardware store. At 400W this thing doesn't need anything fancy. I'm thinking of getting a ThermoCube so even if the timer says "go on" it can be overridden by the actual ambient temperature. It comes in several 'flavors' of temperature ranges. Two that would likely be used by people with ICE only vehicles for block heating: On at 0F and Off at 10, On at 20, Off at 30. The one intended for livestock water tanks goes On at 35, Off at 45. A Prius owner my choose to use that one for block heating. There are 2 for cooling: On at 78, Off at 70, On at 120, Off at 100. The problem is I've read very mixed reviews with regard to the product. Many quite positive, many VERY negative. I'm not sure I want to spend money on it if it will fail within a short time. Bruce