We're getting off easy here in Dallas. Just some crunchy thin snow and winds in the 20's. I'm paranoid, long time since a wreck and had two with the 2010 Prius in 2010, so she isn't going any where during this weather. Driving the '97 CRV. Liability only, if I go in a ditch, I'll eat it, it will be my fault. I can handle that as opposed to the previous two accidents, one getting rear ended by a teenager on a cellphone and the other by a uninsured guy in a pickup. Took over two months to get the Prius back. GBC Texas Prius (Toyota Prius) | Fuelly
I had been getting through the Northeast's weekly snow storms just fine since December. Unfortunately today, after I cleaned the car of its snow in the morning, along came a couple hours of light rain/sleet, which rested nicely on everything it landed on and then accumulated into a think sheet of ice on everything. It took me an hour to scrape the car's windows, and I had to drive "normally" to work, i.e. few attempts at hypermiling since the defroster was truly needed for safety purposes. Since my average speed (because of the roads, not me trying to get good mileage!) is about 20mph, this obviously brings down the mileage substantially when using the ICE. On the way home (since I work at night) there was another sheet, only this time I was sitting in someone's driveway, and thought it would be odd for them if I sat an hour on their property. So I threw my chances of a 60mpg tank out the window and *sigh* ran the defroster while the car was stationary for about ten minutes. This brought down the 12-mile-trip's already disappointing 45mpg to 36mpg!! I drove for safety on the way home, but included some pulse and glide where I could, so at least 55+mpg was respectable for 23°F weather on a sheet of ice
Thanks, and you're right. Surprisingly, the city and state have a lot of snow plows and deicing equipment which they've put to good use. After the 14 inch snow storm we got Christmas Eve 2009, everyone figured out they needed to stay home which has made this event better than it could have been. The blowing drifts have been the worst for those getting out. I'm an avid off roader and have been used to driving 4X4 4Runners since 1999 and they've all had at least 11 inches of clearance. I know the Prius is much lower and even its traction control is no match for stock tires, deep ruts, and 12 inches of snow even without the drifts. So I've stayed in. I've driven the Prius in 6 inches of snow and it was great. It's also great on glaze ice and have no complaints. It always helps if the number of "other" fools on the road is reduced.
I also live in Suburbs of Chicago. I have not had any major issues driving in the snow since getting my 2010 Prius in May. I guess with the 50 plus years of driving in this weather in CHicago has given me the experience to adapt to the conditions. I commute with Metra and When I returned to my car tonight at 7:45 tonight (normally in station around 5:30) the car was completely clear of Snow. One advantage of 45MPH winds. The side streets were not to good but Prius handled them just fine. Traction control did kick in but did what I expected to do. My biggest concern has been the low clearance but so far no issues.
The low clearance is my concern for driving to work on Wednesday. That is, if my street gets plowed and if my place of employment isn't closed. I was hoping to get photos of snowmageddon, but with that wind, I'm not taking a camera outside in all that.
Gee thanks man, it's 8:23am Wednesday & we're still waiting for it to hit, I'm at work now, but watching the webcams all over the province to see when it will start. They have it down to between 5-6pm this evening, so at least everyone will get home safely, tomorrow morning will be another story of digging out. Hopefully it won't be as bad as expected, we usually get the "tail-end" of these storms which turn out to be more gentle than the full blown version. Time will tell....stay safe everyone, remember, anymore than 6in leave the Prius at home.
Hey what about us North Carolina chumps. The storm has rocked us with 67 degree temps! LOL.... Sometimes the fickle finger of winter storms tickles in just the right places. For you Chicagolanders, school is closed for the first time in many, many, many years. So not only do you have the snow to contend with, but the kids are home. Be safe.
how about SOUTH Carolina Tom? Have you heard how they fared out with the storm, I have relatives in Bluffton, SC.
I'm glad somebody missed this. It's a balmy 4°F here in OKC this morning. We may hit 10° for high today and dropping to -6° tonight. Minessota is one of the few states I've not been to. I don't need to go now.
....how about some GOOD news: lol BREAKING NEWS ALERT [FONT="]Groundhog Day verdict: two more weeks until spring![/FONT] [FONT="]Shubenacadie Sam in Nova Scotia has emerged from his burrow and did not see his shadow, meaning - according to the folklore - there are two weeks left until spring! [/FONT]
007, Today in Bluffton, it's 70 degrees with thunderstorms. Tomorrow and Friday it's more rain, but dropping temperatures. They need the rain. Regards,
LOL, that's great news. It's going to be full sun today so that's good. A "normal" snow for us is one or two inches on the grass and raised surfaces (for a day) but it only lasts a few hours on the streets because the ground is usually too warm for it. Most winters here barely see low temps in the 20's. It's extremely rare for us to have the amounts of snow we've been getting and the extreme arctic temps to go with it. We're more likely to get ice because we're about on the changeover line between the colder temps to the North and the high moisture levels in the gulf. Don't get me wrong, I'll take snow over ice any day. But historically, this is very unusual for us.
I live in the suburbs of Chicago and received a total of 22" so far. I was surprised at how well the car handled it! I had to go into work to remove snow and there was a travel ban at the time. While driving, a cop pulled out behind me and turned on his lights. If I stopped, I would have been stuck, so I just kept going. Eventually he turned off his lights and went down a side street. Prius vs. cop car, Prius won!
Just a bunch of ice and wind with a power outage thrown in for fun - a combo the trees (and I) didn't appreciate much. At least we're not in Chicago....
We have thick ice on the roads in my area (like an ice skating rink, literally). Yesterday, I ventured out to work and was one of the few who even attempted to make it in. It was very slick, but I never spun my wheels or lost control of my Prius. I don't have winter tires, but I simply drove slowly and cautiously. No problems whatsoever. Other people were spinning their wheels, fishtailing, and sliding all over the place from driving too fast and not leaving enough braking and following distance. Today the roads were the same, but I decided not to go to work, because no matter how well I can drive on the ice, there will always be out-of-control idiots on the road who I could become a victim of.
Mark, I have a sister in Bray (which is close to Marlow, which is close to Duncan, which is close to Lawton, sort of). The weather in Oklahoma has been awful! They live on an old country road with many hills and her husband works at the ER, so he has to drive to work every day regardless of the roads. Glad I'm not there right now, not that Fort Worth is that much better right now.
I was in OK for the Christmas of '09 snow. It was awesome. At the time, I had a Honda Ridgeline, and I could get around with no problems. I used my truck to pack down the snow so my family could get off of their property. Even so, their cars still had trouble.
Yeah that Christmas Eve storm was an all time state record. I was hoping it was going to be the last one. 14 inches in just a few hours. We almost beat it again with this one, 12.1 inches in the same short amount of time. Tulsa got 21 inches. Sheez. I'll still take the snow over the ice anytime. Snow gives pretty good traction until you hit one of the drifts from the 50+ mph winds. The Prius does pretty good in the slick stuff. Toyota's traction control is very effective.
From the storm fringe: Central Ark. No snow, just a plain old thunderstorm yesterday morning. When the rain stopped, it turned cold and windy--the weather reports said it was about 25 MPH from the NW, and I believe it. I drove home into the teeth of the wind, with air temp. of 23F. Buffeted the car around pretty good. After driving for about 10 minutes, I reset the trip odometer and did my usual 72 mph or so on I-40. After about 22 miles, I was at 39.8 mpg indicated, which means about 37.4 real. Not bad for the conditions, though nothing like what a lot of folks faced.