
Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by Tickwood, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. psantangeli

    psantangeli New Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    No idea if this will work, but it is worth a try...

    I've not had the problem you describe with my Prius, but it happens about 1/2 the times that I fill my 1987 911 Carrera. Exact same symptoms. I originally assumed it had something to do with the shape of the fuel hose going to the tank (the tank is in a really odd position under the front trunk in an old 911), but I've pretty much decided it has something to do with tank presurization and venting.

    The way I get around it is to rotate the fuel nozzle 180 degrees, so that the handle is above the nozzle, and the nozzle curves like the bottom part of a "U". It looks and feels quite weird, but, it works almost always and doesn't seem to spill.

    911 owners have known about this trick for years.

    Like I said... worth a try.

  2. londo-cat

    londo-cat New Member

    May 3, 2005
    I drive an average ofg 69 miles a day, which is around 25,000 miles a year. It's actually 100 miles every day, monday through Friday and about 100 miles on the weekend give or take.

    I get my gas at Costco - and always get it to fill up to 11.9 even when not bone dry, although you really have to cut it close though. More than once I have run out of gas and had to go limping to the gas station on electric power and then fill up. But I do get it to fill up to 11.9 and thats about it.

    So whats the secret?

    When the gas nozzle clicks off, pull it out, and depress the black cover on the nozzle back about 3/4 of an inch. Then slowly fill up the tank after that.

    I have to usually spend an extra few minutes, but I do like to see how full I can get the tank without overflowing it. I wait until it gurgles down and then start filling it again until there is no more air in the tank or the bladder is completely deflated.

    But yes - you can get 11.9 gallons into the Prius - and I have the gas reciepts to prove it. :D
  3. Tyrin

    Tyrin New Member

    Mar 17, 2007
    Has anyone ever had the fuel pump STICK in the car? I've filled up twice now, both times I had to practically yank to get the blasted thing out! But it fills up fine (around 9 gal).
  4. geeky teacher

    geeky teacher New Member

    Jan 18, 2007
    West Suburban Chicago
    2007 Prius
    Click click click click click at the pumps was a random occurence with my Chevy van. At least I thought it was random. By just barely inserting the pump nozzle into the tank opening I was usually able to stop the problem. It WAS annoying and I started to avoid certain stations at which it seemed to occur the most often.

    I've been driving my Prius for 4 months and using the same pumps as I did with the van. No click click click problems yet.
  5. faith2walk

    faith2walk Upgraded again

    Mar 10, 2006
    Alpena, MI
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Betelgeuse @ Sep 11 2006, 10:50 AM) [snapback]317695[/snapback]</div>
    I just figured I would add my 2 cents...

    I drive 75k per year...I first purchased a 2004 pack #4, and then traded for a 2005 pack #4.

    Both had the same problem. I fill at the slowest speed available on any given pump, I have gas cards to Costco, Sam's Club, and Speedway, I generally fill up 4 x's per week, my average tank recieves 8.871 gals (range from 7.089 to 12.126), lifetime FE is 45.3 MPG (range from 37.1 to 68.7)...and I had this problem more frequently at the beginning of my ownership and now very seldom.

    What I have found so far, is that most "new" pumps cause me problems. I try to avoid all newly opened stations or newly remodelled pumps. I have had the most problems at Sam's Club stations and all of their new locations are to be avoided like the plague, IMO.

    Here is my best guess:
    As previously stated, much is to do with the rate of flow on any given nozzle, and also the sensor reading equipment/method of said nozzle. Since the bladder attempts too grow/shrink with volume, the nozzles seem to have a hard time detecting actual capacity remaining. If the fuel flow rate is to fast, then the bladder funnel backs up just a little bit as it burps and attempts to adjust, sending the nozzle full check and shutting down your pump. Most of the newer pumps are extra-sensitive in an effort to be more environmentally safe, causing most people no problems, except us techy prius drivers. Also, most drivers appreciate a fast fill-up, so many stations have gone to the instant/full-on option.

    By avoiding Sam's Club (which is a shame, because here in MI, their prices are not as jumpy as local stations) and running away from new installations, I have been able to reduce these "click" sessions to about once per week, some times twice.

    Wish I was insane enough to replace the bladder, but I am not. I have considered adding an aux tank (search for it under aux tank). but that looks like too much work also. For now, it costs me some irritation, some time, and some jokes (right after I got my 2005, had a guy at the gas station in stitches over my having a hard time filling up an asian car, he said it was proof they didn't know how to do it right. I was so irritated, it was best I didn't say anything, so I left and never visited his station again.).