Re: Black or White? The Apprentice........I dig "the Donald's" hair........... Oprah Winfrey or Ellen Degeneres???
Re: Black or White? Neither. I'm not a fan of talk shows in general. If I had to choose I guess I'd go wigth Ellen. Oprah just bugs the living daylights out of me. Bungy jumping: yea or nay?
Re: Black or White? Yeesh, what a choice.............spiders I guess. Snakes are just too gross!! robins or cardinals??
Re: Black or White? Cardinals. Wild Thing --or-- Born To Be Wild --or-- Take Walk on the Wild Side ??
Re: Black or White? "Born to be Wild" (Steppenwolf)............. I have visions of Peter Fonda on a motorcycle in "Easy Rider"!! Matthew McConnaughey or Hugh Jackman??
Re: Black or White? do not know...........rum......I guess. I don't drink. Mary J. Blige or Chaka Khan????
Re: Black or White? Jack Daniels because I have a surplus of it thanks to a friend who's moving. Gin and Tonic or Rum and Coke?
Re: Black or White? gin and tonic..........(Tanqueray, actually) with a twist of lime.... tulips or daffodils???