Re: Black or White? orange, probably. flight attendant or stewardess? Flying the Unfriendly Skies -
Re: Black or White? tornadoes. Since I don't live in a trailer park I don't need to worry about them as much. "Superfreak" or "Can't Touch This"?
Re: Black or White? Can't touch this. (unless you are presenting muffins) Music of the 60's or music of the 80's?
Re: Black or White? I think I'd rather see a chicken strip and a chicken's nuggets. Pantomime or pantyline?
Re: Black or White? Isn't that a trick question? Anyway I preferred her dad, Joe Montana. Flight of the Conchords or Flight of the Navigator?
Flight of the Conchords (evidently emmy-less)(Con-chord: Is that like cacophony?) Flight of the Bumblebee or Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald?
Re: Black or White? Am a crazy fan for Gordon Lightfoot, but Ed Fitzgerald is not among my faves ........ and I do like the Bumblebee Flight, so that's my choice. Autumnal Equinox or Vernal Equinox?