Re: Black or White? Guaranteed rain. We could use some. Armadillo or something that's not an armadillo?
Re: Black or White? Well any other day I would go with something that's not an armadillo, but I'm feeling some armadillo love today. <---- Not trying to sound nasty. white sand beaches, or black sand beaches?
Either whites or blacks are fine - I'm an equal opportunity flirt - but not a big fan of beetches. Morning person or night owl?
Re: Black or White? Pumpkin latte !?!? WTH is that, mixed with coffee? Tasty I hope ! Cinnamon mocha I like, sparingly. Black Coffee Addict, or <insert various ingredients> coffee?
Re: Black or White? Common taters, fried Frenchly. Sarah Palin or Tina Fey? Twins separated at birth?
Re: Black or White? What's the deal with 30 rock? Girl comedy show? Haven't watched any. Prison Break or 30 rock?
Re: Black or White? 30 Rock, I haven't seen Prison Break, how many seasons does it take for a person to break out of prison? Life in prison or Capital punishment?
Re: Black or White? I say we punish all those capital politicians with life in prison. Enough! parallel parking or parking lots?
Re: Black or White? parking lots (although since getting my Prius with the rear view camera parallel parking has become tolerable). Car Talk or Prairie Home Companion?