Re: Black or White? Trouble. I think we managed to break that bubble as kids playing so often. Free reign chicken eggs, or those Omega-3's eggs? (ie, greenwashing) EDIT: Big LOL, Hyo. Free range !
Re: Black or White? Back in the saddle (but I'm more partial to "Tumbling Tumbleweeds") ***edit - How could I have forgotten "Happy Trails"?! *** Sons of the Pioneers or The Drifting Cowboys?
Re: Black or White? Either one would be at home at our local rodeo :deadhorse:-- pancakes or waffles?
Re: Black or White? Warm syrup please, fruit compote gives me goosepimples. Highlander or Beachcomber?
Re: Black or White? Star Trek Been watching it since the original pilot episode without William Shatner. Sulu or Chekov?
Re: Black or White? Kirk (Shatner), no question. The sex drive of Bill Clinton and the diplomatic skill of George W. Bush - a winning combo! Disco or Rap?
Re: Black or White? Knife on the sharpening stone is soothing to me - it reminds me of my childhood. My parents used to sharpen their knives at bedtime. Actors trying to sing or actors trying to dance?
Re: Black or White? Sing. At least I can turn the volume down. William Shatner trying to sing or William Shatner trying to act?
Re: Black or White? not singing, please! Of all those riduculous hurricane chasing pseudo-journalists on TV, I got a chuckle over seeing Michele Kosinski struggling to hold her ground. so I wondered who'd be the better choice: Michele Kosinski or Al Roker?
I could offer Michelle some paddling lessons. 50% POP: Even odds of getting wet, or guaranteed rain for half the day?