Re: Black or White? HangMan... love word games as if you couldn't already tell! Shooting pool or darts?
Re: Black or White? Left side, if you are standing at the foot of the bed looking at the headboard. Old (80's) Madonna, or new Madonna?
Re: Black or White? (No wonder I'm still awake--wchardin took my side of the bed! ) Lady Madonna (Beatles late 60s) Train station or airport?
Re: Black or White? Car Talk Stev0's old avatar (portly kitty) or Stev0's new avatar (the grinning face of despair)?
Re: Black or White? I like nakedness, I get a better sleep that way, but I don't parade around naked. Pants off or dance off?
Re: Black or White? Steve's giving us 'Sophie's Choice' -- Georgie gives his incompetent, lying :lie: buds such cute names like Brownie & Scooter. Ann Coulter or Bride of Frankenstein ?
What's the difference? On second thought, would Teri Garr from Young Frankenstein qualify as the bride? Poser or hoser?