Re: Black or White? I've never been able to tell them apart. Bathe in steaming mud or ice-cold water?
Re: Black or White? mud bathing all the way (with maybe some mud wrestling thrown in for good measure) Massage--give or receive?
Re: Black or White? My GF wanted me to shave my moustache. Now that we split, maybe I'll grow it back ... ? Oscar Meyer or Hebrew National ?
Re: Black or White? Taco bell (west coast. On the east coast, the spiciest thing at a Taco Bell is the tortilla). Daphne or Velma?
Re: Black or White? Ohh... self seal definitely. Paper cuts on the tongue are NOT good. seashells or beach glass?
Re: Black or White? seashells -- (you can't hear the ocean when you put beach glass at your ear) gentlemen's club or strip joint ?
Re: Black or White? Ummmm....isn't the only difference between the two the price of a drink (and a lap dance)? IHOP or Denny's?