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Beware Buyers

Discussion in 'Gen 1 Prius Plug-in 2012-2015' started by Michael Flaherty, Jan 28, 2013.

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  1. chesleyn

    chesleyn Active Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    Los Angeles
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I get free electricity at work. We also have free charging stations all around Old Town Pasadena (city where I work). There are also a few free charging stations where the property manager is fully supporting the EV movement and has free charging stations and is adding more.

    I can go to the market, the gym, all around my neighborhood and I'm using no gas. I'm averaging 100+ mpg per tank.

    As per your cost savings using electricity... I did a spreadsheet and electricity is WAY cheaper than gas here in California. And way cleaner. We have some of the cleanest electricity in the nation.

    Prius in PA... you need some Bob Dylan music in your life to get you out of that sour mood.

    iPad ? HD
  2. prius_in_pa

    prius_in_pa Junior Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    2012 Prius

    Nothing is free. If you read my previous posting, I said PPI becomes more of a good buy as you could steal more from others. Getting free electricity is just a nice way of saying you're able to legally steal from others so you don't have to pay. This is good for your wallet but it doesn't mean the technology makes sense financially for others. I'm not here to say no one should buy plug-ins, I just want to make sure people do the math. EV is a great idea and once they could get the battery cost down to a reasonable price, I'm sure people will buy them like hotcakes. If money wasn't the issue, I would have gotten the Chevy Volt instead. Having the 30 mile range on EV fit my driving pattern better.

    BTW, just because I am not cheering with the crowd, that doesn't mean I'm in a sour mood. Listening to Bob Dylan will certainly put me in a sour mood though. I better go put on The Doors.
  3. RBooker

    RBooker Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    In other words you do not think there are any security or sustainability issues that justify our current federal and state incentive programs? By the way there are/were economic incentives in place to aid the development cellular technology and TV/radio. Actually, the list is activities supported by federal incentives is rather long. Just trying to understand if you oppose such programs in general or only when they are directed at alternative fuels.
    By the way increasing gas taxes would primarily hurt the poor and lower income workers that commute. The way I see it I am fortunate enough to have sufficient income that I can invest in emerging technology that others will eventually benefit from. In 5 to 10 years the cost should drop significantly.
  4. prius_in_pa

    prius_in_pa Junior Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    2012 Prius

    Rebates and incentives are not effective. Before I got my Prius, I was driving my SUV and I was still greener than my friend who own a Prius since 2004. I was working from home for a few years and only put 5000 miles on my SUV per year. Before that, I only live 5 miles from my office. In additional, my friend goes on cruises twice a year. Do you know how much fossil fuel those ships burn and not mentioning that he had to fly to get to the port. You may think you're saving the planet by driving a Prius, you would be wrong. At this point, you're just delaying the inevitable. I think I should have gotten rebates for being green for so many years.

    The more effective way to be green is to raise the price of gas and put a special tax on big vehicles. Higher gas prices would encourage people to get rid of their big cars over time. There are still too many big cars and big SUV's out there. Let's face it, the Prius sucks when comes to comfort. I only drive it because I want to save some money and be green at the same time. There are a lot of people still would rather pay the $4/gal and drive big cars. Rebates and incentives do not work if they really want to be green.

    You said higher gas prices will hurt the poor. Take your pick. You want to be green or you want to help the poor? I choose to be green by raising gas prices. Poverty is nothing but a result of mis-management of production of human beings. Simply put, we have poor people because too many people are having babies that they couldn't afford to raise. That is no different than someone went out and bought a house that they couldn't afford to keep. Poverty wouldn't be a big problem if people could just keep their pants on when they don't have enough money to feed their babies.
  5. RBooker

    RBooker Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Rebates and incentives are not effective! What planet do you live on! The original Prius benefited from a federal tax credit. When it first appeared on the market many questioned the technology, the premium cost predicted the Prius would be a flop. Toyota has sold over 4 million Prii and it is the most popular new car in California. Currently, with a few exceptions other manufacturers are pushing out hybrid and plugins as fast as they can. Broadcast TV, cell phones and other technologies have directly benefited from incentives.

    Wow, do you really feel that poverty is the result of mismanagement. I have relatives that are poor due to chronic illness and they are unable to work. Of course the largest segment of the underclass is <18 years old. Do we try to s
    Help the next generation or adopt a sink our swim attitude. By the way wether you got your college degrees from a public or private (not for profit) college it was subsidized by tax payers or private donors.
  6. prius_in_pa

    prius_in_pa Junior Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    2012 Prius

    I live on a planet where the number speaks for itself. Back in 2004 when my friend first got his Prius, the sales numbers were poor. I didn't buy one back then because gas was cheap and I didn't have to drive far to get to work. If gas was more expensive, I would have gotten one. That's why I said raising the gas price is the way to go. In the beginning, not many people wanted the Prius. It got popular after the gas price shot up.

    Very often I go to the city and drive by the ghettos. I see them "poor people" running around and playing on the street. Many of them even look healthier than I am. Do you watch the evening news? How many times did you see a sick person robbing a store?
  7. Ken Blake

    Ken Blake Active Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Portland, Oregon
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    There's no "trick" in what I said. As has been pointed out multiple times in this thread, the PiP gets about 10% better fuel economy even if you NEVER plug in. If you plug in, even once a day, it will do substantially better than that.

    Again, the rebates do not come from other taxpayers. The government is simply "STEALING" less of MY MONEY in exchange for my purchasing the car THEY want me to buy.

    Many states and cities have incentives for employers who have "green" commuting options in place for employees, like EV charging stations. A friend of mine works for a company downtown that buys him a monthly pass for the light rail...is he "stealing" from his employer by accepting that pass? If not, how is that any different than someone accepting free charging at work?

    Did you have to pass any geometry tests for that engineering degree? Because you are being pretty obtuse.
    rogerv likes this.
  8. prius_in_pa

    prius_in_pa Junior Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    2012 Prius

    If the government took the tax money and provided no services, then I would agree with you about the government "stealing" your money and now they are "stealing" less of your money. However, I will have to assume at this point that the government are using tax money to provide valuable services to the public. Since they have to give you a rebate for your car, the government will have less money to provide the public services. In other word, other taxpayers are paying for your car. I'm not blaming you for this. It's the government's fault.

    I was just providing an easy way to justify the purchase of PPI. PPI isn't for me at this point, first I refuse to steal from other taxpayers and my employer isn't allowing empoyees to steal their electricity. However, good for you if you could "steal".
  9. rogerv

    rogerv Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2008
    Simi Valley, California
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    "PPI isn't for me at this point..."
    prius_in_pa, do you realize that your first post in this thread was #75? It has taken over 150 posts, a lot of them by you, to get finally to the point (which a couple of us have suggested) for you to say that the PiP is simply not for YOU.
    There have been references to your "engineering degree." You call yourself an engineer, but do you actually have a degree in engineering? Your statements and over-generalization in some of your posts beg the question. And is your wife a Certified Public Accountant? Just wondering...........
  10. prius_in_pa

    prius_in_pa Junior Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    2012 Prius

    Yes, I do realize that PPI has a market, even though it's a small one. If some of you could "steal" electricity from others doing it everyday. I guess PPI is great for you especially if your state gives you a big rebate. The sales number still speak for itself. It's small. Like I said many times already, it isn't the technology that kept me away from it. It was the price.
  11. rogerv

    rogerv Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2008
    Simi Valley, California
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Maybe you're really a politician- you can't seem to answer direct questions, but instead use the opportunity to blather on with more generalizations and comments about "stealing" ad nauseam. :rolleyes:
    The question was not about you realizing there is a market for the PiP- read my post again.
  12. prius_in_pa

    prius_in_pa Junior Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    2012 Prius

    Let me re-phrase then. PPI isn't for a lot of people, not just me. That's why they ended up buying Prii instead. I think it's ok to generalize when more people are buying Prii and NOT PPI
  13. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    I came to see what is going on only to find the place infested:
    As an experiment, I'll try filtering to see what the serious folks are discussing. Sometimes the noise on a shared channel gets so loud, you have to filter out the noise. Everyone has a right to free speech but no one is required to listen . . . use "Ignore."

    Bob Wilson
    Ken Blake likes this.
  14. prius_in_pa

    prius_in_pa Junior Member

    Jun 26, 2013
    2012 Prius

    Can you tell me how I could "Ignore" you. Thank you.
  15. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    FYI, it works. The signal-to-noise ratio of this thread significantly improves by using "Ignore" on one noise generator. There may be others but whatever works.

    Bob Wilson
    Ken Blake likes this.
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