Re: TripleTreds Have CRs' Best Noise Rating nooaah, Sorry, I don't know how my mpg were affected by my switching to 195/60/15 TripleTreds. I put the TTs on at around 1000 miles. At that young mileage, you really can't compare. Note that I assume that if the rolling resistance is equal between the Integrity and a replacement tire, you will lose around 2 mpg by upgrading to the 195 tread width. When Consumer Reports tested the Touring Prius with its 195/55/16 Turanza El-400 tires, and the Standard Prius with its 185/65/15 Integrity tires, it found that the Touring got 10 feet shorter 60-0 mph braking distances and 2 fewer mpg than the Standard.
Nooaah, Here is a post of mine from another thread discussing tires from a few months ago. I am over 126,000 miles now and the MPG I thought I had from the Michelin Harmonies is gone. It might return in winter but actually lately they have been better than the incrappities. My 2006 Prius will be 2 years old on 3/28/08 and currently has 99,386 miles so yeah I drive A LOT. My stock integreties lasted 76,480 miles and I ran them at 36 PSI the whole way around. One thing that is a must is to rotate them frequently and get a 4-Wheel Alignment check every 10-15,000 miles. I rotate my tires every oil change at 5,000 miles and get my alignment checked every 3rd oil change. When you get you alignment check asked for the computer printout for your records. They usually show all four tires with something highlighted in red when it was out of alignment and now in green being in alignment. Without the printout you don't really know what was in and what was out. If you keep these records and say your right front is always "out of alignment" it could be you hit a common pot hole on that side or something is wrong with the caster or something else with the tire. So, keep or at least look at your alignment records. Now, why do you need to do alignment checks so often? No, I don't work for Toyota. Prii are setup to be as low profile and as aerodynamic as possible. Which translates into being very suspectible to being thrown out of alignment by hitting curbs, large pot holes, or other "bumps" in the road. As a matter of fact you don't even have to hit anything to throw them out of alignment. When my fiancee bought her 2007 Prius Touring Edition I made them check the alignment on it and swap out the Integrities before we bought it. The car had 6 miles on it at the dealership and BOTH front tires were out of alignment. We talked to a couple of people and they said "Yeah, it's a good idea to always to have any new car's alignment checked when you buy it. They have a tendency to get jerked around on the haulers. Especially the Prii." Now, onto tires. After doing much research on this website, and others. I went with Michelin Harmony's and went up in size to the 195/60R over the stock 185/65R. I did notice a slight mileage hit but the tire is FAR superior to the stock in all aspects, will last FOREVER and is much much more stable in crosswinds because of the extra width. On my finacee's touring edition, we had them also put on Michelin Harmony tires and upped them to the 205/60R size. Her Prius is even more stable than mine but has taken even more of a mileage hit. The Touring Editions simply can't run as well as the "Standard" Prius in my opinion. And she doesn't have as much practice maximizing fuel mileage as I do. I have to keep track of my mileage for work so know exactly that I have got 47.92 MPG over that 99,000 miles. Since the Harmony's went on in winter there might not be any hit on MPG at all come summer time. My fiancee's touring is averging around 44 MPG. Well, that is my $0.02 worth. I hope it helps someone out there in Prii Land.
I put Triple Treds on my previous car, and they got noisy after 10,000 miles. Quite noticeable, and I won't buy them again.
I have <200 miles on my OEM Integrities... would Sam's give me credit for those if I upgraded to the X Radial? Has anyone done this?
I'll be needing tires before winter, and want all season tires for the upcoming NW Ohio winter. I 've read all the posts I can find and haven't seen Uniroyal Tiger Paws AWP mentioned. In comparing them w/ Integritys, I find that although the 185/65R15s aren't listed, in comparing sizes that are list by both manufactures, the Uniroyals compare favorably w/ the Integritys. Does anyone have any inut?? TIA
Don't go for TPs unless you don't care about MPG. I suggest that you consider the Nokian WRg2 tire. It is a great all-weather tire that will improve MPG in a comparison to the Integrity tires as well as improve overall handling. I have the WRs (more agressive tread than the WRg2) on my 2004 Prius and they are great (but a little noisy at times). See the attachment for detailed MPG records (130k miles, 4.5 years, three sets of tires). JeffD
\ Jeff, If you're speaking from experience, please tell us what your experience was (how big a mileage hit did yu take?). I can't find a Nokian dealer close by. They were actuall y my first choice.
See the attachment in my comments above for data on my tire experience. Very few tires actually are LRR and the others all reduce your MPG. You can get Nokians at reasonable prices from: Nokian Tires - Winter Tires, Snow Tires and much more from the Tire Factory I paid less than $100 per tire delivered for my WRs and had the set of 4 put on locally for $40. Jeffd
There is nothing wrong with the file. It is a "zipped" excel file. If you have windows, save it first, It will open in Windows explorer and then open the XLS file in Excel. If you use a Mac, you will need to have an archive utility to unzip it and a spreadsheet that knows Excel file formats. JeffD
Jeff, Got the file open, but I see nothing about the Uniroyal Tiger Paws. I'm familiar w/ the Nokians. Still hopeing for 1st hand info on the TPs. (tried to relocate the chart that gave the rr ratings, but no luck.)
I didn't notice any change in MPG changing from Integrity to Nokian WR. Nokian great handling tires, but wear out quickly. I have not had a chance to try Nokian WR G2.