• PZEV and looking forward to a plug-in hybrid for better air quality • Excellent fuel economy (50 mpg winter, 60 mpg summer) • I model what I teach • Opportunity to talk with others without preaching • Comfortable vehicle for daily commuting and long distance travel
But a station wagon is not nearly as cool as a lane-hogging, air polluting, gas guzzling, oversized SUV that fits into 2 normal-car-sized parking spaces! Right? ITA with you on that post, and ITA with Tony's posts too. Rent a truck/suv when you need it, you'll be saving yourself a lot of money for the couple times a year you actually need to use the sheer size/tow capacity of a larger vehicle! And you'll be polluting a lot less, if you're not using the SUV for solo commuting 5 days a week.
While I got my Prius because it is environmentally "less bad" than other cars I was looking at, I just took my first "long" trip (250 miles). Got 54 mpg round trip, and that was a surprise to me, since I've been getting less than that, about 48 mpg around town. And a good bit of the trip I was driving about 65 mph. It may be the first time that my car was thoroughly warmed up, I suppose, only about 2200 miles on the car in 5 months. So I have to say that I'm pretty happy with my gas mileage, in addition to being happy about not polluting as much as I was or would have been had I gotten a different car. Less fuel usage means less dependence on importing oil. I'd like to find a decent production car that would work for me and doesn't use non-renewable fuel at all, but I haven't found that yet. Until then, the Prius is great. -Roger
Your canoe won't fit on the roof? My family of four and our camping gear (without the boat) travelled across Canada last summer. Not to be smug and sanctimonious, but these things can be done without an SUV. Give the beach week a try and see how it goes. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Are you certain on that one, Tony? I think since I have the Prius I drive more, knowing that it's cheaper to me... I live 30 miles from the shore of the Gulf of Mexico, and with my old Ford Taurus it was rare that I'd simply go to the beach on a weekend... With the Prius in three weeks I went more than with the Taurus in about six months... But then again, I'm making up errands just to drive the car anyway... So, if we all drove cool cars like the Prius wouldn't we all be driving more thus consuming about equal amounts of fuel? Just a thought... S.
>>You can meet all your above concerns driving a CAR...perhaps a station wagon?!<< I really don't know that there is a current production station wagon that would tow a boat safely. I may well be wrong on that one, but most wagons these days have little towing capacity. BTW, I *do* drive a wagon, but it sure won't tow.
I am a Prius owner and I admit that I have felt smug at least once. Thats not why I got the car it is a side effect, and my wife gives me a dope slap every time it gets too bad, then my kids do. I hope to grow out of it, or at least hide it better. No 12 step for me! :lol:
I think this thread started as the "benefits of Prius Ownership"...but has slid into the "downfalls and defense of SUV Ownership"... Prius has a benefit that is custom for each individual owner. For some, it's purely HOV access, and to others its the fuel efficiency, and the list goes on. I think most of them have been listed on this thread. SUV's have their time and practical purpose. For my family, it was determined that there was no practical purpose. We've been SUV-free for nearly 3 years now and haven't changed our lifestyle one bit. That doesn't mean there isn't a practical purposes for the next family (popsrcr for example). In a few more years, we'll see hybrid technology of many different sorts in all vehicles on the road, so the point will be "almost" moot. As far as "smugness" goes - maybe that term is applied by people with an inferiority complex?...maybe feeling a little guilty?
My outback will tow upto 2000 lbs if the trailer has brakes. 1000 lbs if the trailer doesn't have brakes. I was looking into getting a sail boat and wanted to see what I could tow with the outback.
Another perk that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet is the lower maint. costs. Less brake wear, fewer oil changes, etc.
I don't know that I would be comfortable towing much of a boat with an outback. Trailer brakes for sure. Just personal preference. You'd need to get a running start for a big hill. And just to make sure I was clear, we sold an SUV for the Prius. I deeply miss the functionality, but it was time. I do not regret the Prius in anyway, I just don't enjoy driving it.
To some ppl, with higher efficiency, you might drive the car more. But for normal ppl like me, I just drive my car everyday to work and dont have much time left to do any extra driving.
Depends on the boat. I assume you're talking about a power boat. I was looking at sailboats. Primarily racing dinghys and the like. I couldn't towed a Flying Scot (19' racer) if the trailer had brakes since the boat weighs 1200 lbs.
Heh... Colorado is saturated with them. We got ours used. We wanted a stick too but that didn't complicate the search too much.
I read through that link and emailed it to my husband. Thanks so much for the link! efusco: THANK YOU for writing such an informative and wide-range topic relating to fuel-efficiency!
Thanks for both links! I have read them both in my research on the Prius, but could not recall WHERE to find them again. I find the second link particularly nice to read. It is good to see companies giving incentives for employees/customers to choose 'green' and 'new technology'.