bisco, do you have Taco Bells in MA? I thought that was only a California thing. There's one near me, but I haven't been there in several years. Probably less healthy than a Dodger Dog. And I thought when there's fan interference, the batter is not out, but he is awarded a double. Ground rule double?
I wish. But no, they reach far beyond. This map is two years old, and doesn't show the foreign locations:
ground rule double is a different interference rule, it's complicated. even reading the rulebook is often unhelpful. that's why we have the replay folks in new york to tickle our fancies
Clearly they need to back the seats away from the fencing in the name of "fan safety" 'NOT HIS FAULT' Astros fan involved in controversial call getting threats, family tells ABC13 | This probably needs to happen anyway. Imagine if you will, an Oakland-Giants series. No. Really..... It HAS happened before! Imagine bidding up ticket prices near the fencing to 'weaponize' fan exuberance.
Thanks for that link ETC(SS) From MLB: "In every case of spectator interference with a batted or thrown ball, the ball shall be declared dead and the baserunners can be placed where the umpire determines they would have been without the interference. When a spectator clearly prevents a fielder from catching a fly ball by reaching onto the field of play, the batter shall be ruled out. But no interference is called if a spectator comes in contact with a batted or thrown ball without reaching onto the field of play -- even if a fielder might have caught the ball had the spectator not been there." I'm still confused.
Have the Boston Red Sox ever met the Dodgers in the World Series? From Wikipedia: "In the 1916 World Series, the Boston Red Sox beat the Brooklyn Robins (a.k.a. Dodgers) four games to one. It is the teams' sole World Series matchup to date. ... It would be 39 years before the Dodgers would win their first World Series title, in 1955." I'm really looking forward to a Boston vs LA series. Currently it's 85 degrees in LA (91 at my house!) and 45 degrees in Boston? Play ball!
it is, but we terrorized bill buckner and his family until they had to move out of state. it is a big problem in sports, from kids to olympics and pro
And then.....there were 3. Sorry @bisco but I'm going to have to root against the sox from now until the season is over. Fenway is the oldest baseball shrine in operation, with many fun features. ...wish I could watch one of the games there!
The four oldest stadiums, in order of age: Boston Red Sox Chicago Cubs LA Dodgers LA (Anaheim) Angels I would have never guessed Angel Stadium??? And they should have kept the original name: California Angels. They are nowhere near Los Angeles. Wouldn't it be something if the Red Sox signed Mike Trout when his contract ends in 2020? It would be a huge bidding war with the rich Dodgers, and others. Great player. Good humble guy. He deserves to be with a winner.
1966! The reason for the big air-gap is big salaries. You have to build more modern stadia to get big companies to pay big money for expensive box seats. You can only do the "this old Stadium" thing so many times.... That's why tours in Houston's old stadium....once considered to be kinda modern, are so abbreviated. (SQUIRREL ALERT!) Speaking of modernity.... Hey Houston fans! You've won the series, the original A*dome is soon to be 'repurposed' and only TWO baseball fields are low-rent enough to use the goofy indoor-outdoor carpet that Texans called "ASStroturf." Don't you think it's time you guys and gals got together to give those tacky 1970's candy-stripe shirts a Viking Funeral???? I dig 'classic' but there's a REASON that you can still easily buy kitchen appliances in white (classic) and not avocado (tacky.) Your call..... Sorry. I figured I'd rip the band-aid off fast while you're still in shock. That got shamed into it. Besides.....REALLY? Anaheim is only thirty miles from LA. In other's one of Los Angeles' neighborhoods. It only SEEMS to be far away when you're stuck on the 5 for four and a half hours trying to get there!!
And the Angels just opted out of their city-owned Stadium contract with Anaheim. Probably just a ploy for a better deal? But there is talk of them moving to another city. Highly doubtful, as it takes years to get through all the CA environmental studies..... and then another 2 or 3 years of build time. How does the Alabama Angels sound?