Never heard that. A millenial recently informed me that, technically I'm a pesky-tarian. I had to use the Googles to make sure that she wasn't teasing an old fart for yucks.... Anyway, since I will very occasionally consume things that are squeezed out of chickens, cows, and fish.......and since my intentions are to maintain a pharma and dry-dock free life into my nineties, I don't really think that gastro issues from eating a Dodger-Dog are going to be a thing for me. immunizations for diseases common to underdeveloped nations are probably no longer effective, so travel to LA is counter-indicated until their government stabilizes....... Meanwhile....I will continue to root for the.....ah (*).....dogs in this fight. Go Dodgers!
not sure. a lot changed when his son got in trouble. he sold everything off. some kept the name, some didn't. we haven't been back since the '13 world series. might as well go out on top.
I was joking about buying that ticket. That's about 10 years worth of gas for my Prius. Gonna be a warm game. Close to 90 already in my area. Maybe 80 or 85 at the stadium? The boys got an early wake-up today -- 2pm pacific time first pitch.
bout 45 minutes from now.....and I'll be at work! However (comma!) I have 'pretty good' internet here.......
I'm ready..... Will Kershaw break the curse? His playoff jinx? Go Dodgers! The 30 Million Dollar man. Teach your grandkids to throw a basebal!
Vin Scully named Puig "the Wild Horse." He marches to his own drummer, but seems to have calmed down a bit. And Machado? I think he does make some dirty plays. Don't really care for him. The Brews plunked him on the elbow today. Too bad it wasn't harder. And I think MLB fined him today. Kershaw did good. I'm happy for him. He and his wife do good charity work for children.
Boston has a nice first half inning. Is someone watching these games? I'm interested in who's buying ad time.