Kershaw will get the loss, but he has thrown mostly good stuff. LA batters have lost (are in process of losing) this. Abbott is in death process. (Mystery movie quote)
Would like to say that winning one against Boston in Series is honorable. But this message is clear enough. Dodger fans on site will decide when to flee to parking garage.
Stranger things have happened, and later they will again. But for Le Dodge to pull this out means not just 9th inning magic today, but further magic in Fenway. At some point, all will see the thing as the thing.
"We did the best we can, we left it all on the field, but we fell to a better team in Boston," said Yasiel Puig. Well, most of them left it on the field. The game ended appropriately with a kneeling strikeout of Manny Machado, who didn't seem particularly interested all night, who failed to hustle throughout the postseason, and whose celebrated midseason acquisition proved to be a bust. Machado will be a free agent this winter. Please, Dodgers, do not even think about bringing him back. ~ Bill Plaschke, Los Angeles Times
Clayton Kershaw has exactly 72 hours to decide. Accept the remaining two years on his contract; Or opt-out, leave 65 Million on the table, and become a free agent. Tough decision for a 30 yr old. I'm just trying to decide if I want to go see a movie today, or go grocery shopping.
Kershaw and price were pretty similar coming into the season, although kershaw at least had some post season wins. Price got the monkey off his back, but he is not a lovable sort. I hope he opts out
The definition of dynasty would be the core of the team staying together. So how many remain during this run? My bet is few and more than likely zero from beginning of the “dynasty” period forward. Now the Red Sox of the 1910’s, that I would consider a dynasty. But no one alive can say they remember seeing them.
Very True, but with that definition, it would be difficult to call any modern era baseball teams as same team for year to year, beside from bearing the same name on their uniforms. I wonder how many Yankees players stayed throughout their Dynasty era (1949-1964)? Probably quite few, but I can't name all.
If I'm reliably informed, the second longest World Series game ever ALSO involved the Sox and some obscure Brooklyn pitcher whose exact name is probably lost to history.... Except back then THEY LEFT %$#@! pitchers in the game until they started to pitch badly, not when some weenie with a spreadsheet said that "statistically" it was a good time to yank them off the field!! Nope. Nothing tough about that decision at all....and it's not necessarily an either-or! If nobody offers him 65.1, or if he doesn't get a chance to play in a nicer location that's worth the salary delta, then he suffers it out in the City of Angels for two more years..... Tough life either way.....
It's unreal, uncomprehensible, outlandish, and inconceivable what these players are getting. But you can't blame them for taking the money. And cable TV is paying for it in LA, with the Dodgers getting an 8 Billion Dollar Deal from Time Warner. "Because Time Warner promised the Dodgers such an exorbitant sum, it wanted $4.90 per month from other providers for the right to broadcast SportsNet LA – an extra Abe that neither DirecTV nor any of their cable brethren were willing to charge their customers. So Dodgers games existed only for Time Warner customers, and the rest of the Los Angeles area was faced with a choice no company wants to foist on its consumers: get it illegally or don’t get it at all." Millions of fans have not been able to see Dodger games on TV for the last couple of years. Other cable companies refused to offer the SportsNetLA package.