Use to be a big SOX fan. Spent lot of time and money following games and the team. But after lovable loser became a real winner in 2004, I lost my passion. Guess not a real fan.
I unfortunately had those 3 on my picks this week as well. Every time I have picked the Steelers, they’ve either tied or lost. So I pick against them for the greater good.
2 innings and 2 crooked numbers. If the Sox lose this one, they’ll have to rewrite the history books as no team has lost both games at home to start the LCS and come back to win .
There's a difference between May baseball and October baseball. There is also a difference between a "statistically" better team (or league) and the guys that get to put a Commissioner's Trophy in their case and order rings. The Stro's Series win last year was well deserved, but even the most ardent AL shill would hardly consider it "making short work' of the Dodgers of Bro...I mean, Los Angeles. The series went seven games last year, and even the last game was actually a little closer than the 5-1 score would suggest........unless one supposes that they're legging out the playoffs and the series out to get more revenue! I'm not enough of a statistician (or historian) to suppose that I know which team was "statistically" the winner last year, but I know which ones actually won real-world. Normally I abhore coastal elitism, but I'm sorta rooting for the sox and the doyers. I should be rootin for the kids in flyover country up in the frozen North and they look dang good on paper, but I think that Bisco and all of the leftist podcasts that I listen to are starting to corrode my loyalties. No matter how it turns out, it's already been another great October in baseball! (geeze...I hate myself for this.....but.....) Let's GO Dodgers! (* if Milwaukee wins I won't be too upset. As long as they beat Bastan in the Series. )
we were watching game 1 saturday night in a bar in new york. a guy walks through and yells, 'i don't care anymore, i just hope boston loses'! i kept my head down and was glad my policy is no sox gear in ny.