Some these colleagues are card carryin’ Black Hole fanatics. You’d never know it to work woth them either.
Three innings of not much. Perhaps commercial breaks have been enthralling. Speaking of which, how is such time filled in an 18-inning outing? Spares on hand, roll the loop a second time, Public Service announcements?
Oh but why? Current expertise limited to Chinese TV. Breaks are rare but they show same 'spots' 2 or 3 times back to back. Easy to leave the room during those.
they are starting to do that here. or mix them up but still the same spot during single break. must be an attention span thing
Head-on. Apply directly to the forehead Based on quaint notion that cranial bones are permeable. Just riffin' here because this is a goose-eggy game. And Airplane! quotes pleased no one but me.
Following that, Barnes X Barnes matchup did not allow more horses to escape. An MVP for this game can be named. Boston has 9 'outs' with which to untie Series.