Bisco gets a like from 400,000 km. Dang the internet is big. One must be impressed that Boston pitcher Price has weathered this storm.
BOS Price has protected his bullpen today. I apologize for not knowing his demons. Without a late-inning reversal he might be MVP du jour.
0-2 is a tough hole to dig out of. LA fans showing their true colors? I'm mixed here. I'm thinking that Bastan Strong (winters) means less broken glass..... BUT I also have to listen to all of the moaning groaning and complaining until March. I think Vegas was right. Boston in 6 but the boys in blue will have to struggle for it.
LOTS of excuses on LA sports talk radio today. They are blaming everything from the "analytics", to the cold weather. The relief pitcher who went in for Ryu, Ryan Madson, admits that he was cold, couldn't seem to warm up, felt wrong... and he stunk in both games. So now they blame Dave Roberts for throwing Madson out there a 2nd time. Time for the excuses to end.... Friday's weather in LA will be 87 or so.
i wish i were there i'm sure they will play better in the warmth, but sox players should as well. no one likes the cold
True, sir. I respect the Red Sox. Great team. Would like to see the series go at least 6 games, just so baseball lasts a little while longer. I enjoy the playoffs & series much more than the regular season.
The LA Rams are 7-0. Will I have to start watching football? In the meantime. Go Dodgers. The "Kid" is pitching tonite. I think he has a bright future. 23, a rookie, and pitching in the World Series. Must have nerves of steel.
Sorry. I gave their management a year to solve their labor problems. Now i have better things to do on Sundays. Details in the kindergarten forum. Besides..... Baseball is a faster moving sport these days, and the players don't spend 2 minutes celebrating every time a player catches a pop fly. Rams are having a good year though - so it looks like you might get to smash windows and overturn cars for something after all - it would just be delayed until February...