Ok, lets have 2 ongoing threads about the same subject and people should post their opinions on both threads just to make sure "Toyota" doesn't miss those GREAT points and uses them for the 4th generation Prius. While we are at it, let's have 15 to 20 threads about Cash for Clunkers or how impossible it is to find the Solar Roof IV in the NE. Maybe we can use 5 more threads on how much of a MPG difference changing from 15's to 17's make or if window tint helps with mpg effeciency because at least the interior is cooler and less ac...blah blah blah. /Sarcasm
Maybe it's designed so that when you reach over to activate it, you let out a big one, thereby pre-warming the seat. Planet-powered, sun-powered and human-powered.
How about 20 threads on how wonderful the new prius is versus the old or the competition? How about 10 more about what they name it, their license plate or the color of the exterior and 10 more about the interior color! I notice those wishing consolidation only wish so for negative comments made about the car and, somehow, aren't bothered by comments which are positive. Never once have I seen a request for consolidation when the thread is positive. HMMM.... I guess those, somehow, go by different rules for some reason. THAT is what I find troublesome, the hypocrisy! Consolidating threads such as these have the result of HIDING and camouflaging the true feelings of the posters, which, I'm pretty certain is the true desire of those demanding it. In this instance, the design of the dash is a much larger problem than the owners will have you believe. Sure, like anything else, the design is subjective, but, in conversations among others who just know the prius in passing and without actual ties to the car, it IS a dissuasion from buying for a great many. I do understand that people who like the design would hate to see it altered. However, if it causes reluctance on the part of buyers, it's something toyota shoud address down the road. This wouldn't be the first time they've made a running change one of their vehicles dashboards after experiencing balking by potential buyers. Yeah, I know, they're selling every car they can build. BUT, what happens when the novelty wears off or other manufactures wake up and introduce genuine competitors? Toyota, I'm sure, doesn't want to be caught with their pants down. Burying a thread discussing controversial design cues does not help! Personally, I LIKE the design in the same way I like the cocoon like cockpit of a Corvette, but not in a family/sedan type vehicle. Should they lift and paste it into a sporty 2 door variant, I'd be more than supportive: I'm not in the market for a sporty 2 door!
I love the 10 interior, especailly the bridge in the middle of the front seats...very Batmobile-like to me (major Batman fan here..lol). It was the main determiner as to why i traded my 2.5 year old 2007 Seaside Pearl Prius for the 2010 silver IV.
I like it and I don't really care about "having you believe" anything - I am not selling you the car. Why is a simple like some subversive thing? I don't think Toyota is having any demand problems with this vehicle. You can't find one, some dealers are using "market value adjustments" to go over sticker, and most dealers we read here are indicating orders go out to the end of the year on desired option combos. Did you read the sales demographic post from team Prius? They brought more first-time hybrid buyers to this car then ever before. Motivated buyers FAR outweigh the reluctant ones on this car. To me, it seems most of your feelings on this are just that, feelings - totally unsupported by the reality of the situation. I am sorry if you wanted to like the design better so you might like the car better; I think you are just generalizing your disappointment.
Oh no!!! The conspiracy theory!!! You are on to something. BTW, before you make accusations, please do some research and read some of the posts that DeanFL and I have. We have posted several times about recommendations to improve the Gen III or things we didn't like about the Gen III. Don't pretend to know me and make accusations. I do agree with this part: Priuschat has way too many threads on the same subjects and a lot of good points or information gets lost. I am all for a massive consolidation effort to help make searching for info later on easier.
Recommend that you make your concerns and advice DIRECTLY to Toyota if you feel so strongly rather than the stale diatribe here. We know there are a number of folks that are displeased. So be it. But to continually harp on that point to a Forum of owners that, presumably, are happy with their purchase. Nothing's perfect by any means - and can't please everyone. Just how things are. What do you drive by the way??? You're a non-hybrid owner per your heading. Sorry about the formatting above folks - wanted to rsp to each statement - mine are in black.
It appears from these posts that I am in the minority here, but I am a first time prius owner and I couldn't be more pleased with my '10 interior. The storage space under the console is great, we use it all the time. The position of that power plug works great for a portable GPS unit btw (unit positioned on the left side of the dash with the wires hidden under the drivers leg compartment). I love the position of the MFD as I don't think it requires you to avert your direction too badly from the road. I will agree that it is quite subjective, and it did take me a while to get used to the 'unconventional' design, but I think Toyota got it right. Now, as for the JBL audio system design....well....I'm sure that one IS another post in these forums...
Multiple threads are just a given. The system is set to recommend existing threads when one goes to start a on a given subject but people tend to feel that their take on the subject is new and different so they start their own thread.
I think it's just that people nowadays are so caught up in "me me me" that they lose the big picture. They expect someone else to conform to their ideas and their beliefs and anyone who doesn't is an idiot. If you want a custom-designed car, buy a Rolls-Royce. They'll happily do it for you. If you want something more affordable, well then you gotta compromise cause you can be sure as hell that everyone else who bought the car made some sort of compromise whether they realise it or not. For me, it's the lack of storage space vs. the Gen II that I'm compromising.
Tideland - Appreciate your thoughts (this and previous post) but the problem really has nothing to do with taste or resistance to change but about what works and what doesn't. My wife tried several times, taking her stuff from the old car to the 2010 attempting to figure out how to make it work for her - finally in frustration (near tears) gave up and we went looking for a GII. Realizing it is all for looks and sales appeal just ticks me off. I really think Toyota is straying from its roots here and some of the things that made it so successful. After I bought my first Honda in 1976 I started saying American cars were about selling them and fixing them, not owning them. In my opinion Toyota has taken a step in that direction. Bad. Any way, for the good of the order and those who may have similar issues I think there is a window of opportunity to pick up good low mileage GIIs over the next couple of months as they are traded on 2010s. - OP
I thought all Prius before the the 2010 were butt ugly :boink:and would not even look at one Now we are waiting for out 2010 to come in so did Toyota screw up
Not so far as you're concerned. I hope you love it as I have my GII. I'm really nor trying to tear down the 2010 just offer my thoughts on the issues that have had an impact on me. - OP
This 2010 has more usable space from the front than the Jeep Grand Cherokee clunker we traded in for it, LOL.
I was in a friend's Subaru SUV with my daughter and SIL (he 6'4"). We are used to the comfort and space in the Prius. We were so uncomfortable in the back seat of that SUV. In most SUVs, the front seats are plush but there is often inadequate leg room in the back. My passengers have always been so shocked to see how roomie the back seat is and the space in the back. I miss the drawer under the console but i have adjusted.
I also appreciate the manner of your reply. . The GIII is an important vehicle for Toyota. Thus far, it has appealed to those who appreciate the technology, appreciate the mileage and appreciate the low emissions. It is something that we loved when we bought our GIs or GIIs. However, now's the time to broaden its appeal. It's an icon now and they can't keep it as a "niche" vehicle forever. We know there would be design changes that we made not like because now Toyota has to make the car appealing to those that previously didn't consider a Prius and judging by the response from the members here, it appears they've succeeded. Yes, Toyota made have made it less appealing to some of us who owned the previous generation but keep the comments coming. Let Toyota know. They can take all this information and build on it. They certainly did that when they built the 3rd Gen as a good chunk that we've asked for has been put into the new Prius.
I'll chime in that I thought the Gen 2 interior was too minivan like and you had to sit all hunched over the wheel to reach anything. Gen 3 is 1000% better design both in ergonomics and looks. I'm glad the new interior doesn't encourage you to stuff food and drinks and garbage all over the place.
I put 115,000 miles on my GEN II and it was the best of many cars I've owned. When I first looked at a GEN III I didn't like the interior but now with 4000 miles on mine I really like it. All the controls are very close and I'm very happy with most of it. I don't love the center console with the 2nd cup holder and have a list of things I would have done differently and a few things that aren't as nice as my 2005, but I wouldn't trade. So far I'm pretty sure this is going to be the best car I've ever owned. I guess its pretty difficult to make everyone happy. BTW I love my nav unit also and I had a high end Garmin before. There's another thread on how bad the nav unit is. Maybe I'm just too easy!