It was available in the US without navigation. It's also available now in Canada without navigation (built in screen in the rear view mirror). Ours used to be packaged with the nav.
actually, i meant to say, the objects appear farther in the camera than they actually are. anyway, i thought so it may be due to the wide angle lens. i guess, have to get used to this, just like judging cars seen on the side mirrors.
well one thing i found easy is bumper clearance. if you look at the view, its basically a top down look at the rear edge of the back bumper. if you wanted to, you could easily park with any distance you wanted. very nice. but the camera has helped me in not running people down. there has been a few times that people emerged from nowhere that i did not see even with looking
Mine (a European Prius) with Nav has colored lines telling me the distance to "target". IIRC the Backup camera without the Nav did not have this lines, at least I cannot remember seeing them
The 2010 camera is packaged with the NAV. The camera may be a bit better than the Gen2. Haven't got the parking programs to work well enough to use (yet).