Well, there you go being a city slicker again. When you see a vet putting his or her arm way up the back end of a horse or cow, it's not usually the rectum that is involved. There is, ahem, one other option. Typically they are either preparing to help in the birthing process or checking out the condition/position, etc. of mom or the young'uns.
This is a sobering observation. All this week, at work, I've felt that I'm up to my elbows in sh*t. Not any more! :mrgreen:
Beacher, you're right, it usually is another point of entry, however in this case she actually did BOTH. One was for pregnancy and the other to check for some type of colic or distention. Either way you kind of start to feel just a little "less of a man" when you see a whole go in either orifice!
My Uncle never used one of those arm-length gloves, they cost too much. He used to always tease the vet for slipping one on. Personally, I think I would use the arm-length glove. No glove sort of goes above and beyond my comfort level.
What gets me is that while performing these delicate operations they have to stand there in the perfect position to be on the receiving end of a good swift kick. Ouch!
I watched a show on Discovery Channel a while back that dealt with "dirty jobs." A good part of the program dealt with a ranch that bred horses. The "narrator" of the show got the joy of manually evacuating the mares bowels, cleaning her vulva, obtaining ejaculate from a stallion, and then artificially inseminating the mare. On top of all this, they literally removed the fertilized egg from this mare a few days later, and then inserted it into yet a different mare. It was quite an interesting show, as I always thought he lion share of any breeding program was to let the horses do all the work. Oh, and they did not shackle the mare. The did however, put her into a very restrictive stall, and took care of buisness through the gate.
:lol: you're hilarious, Dave. I'm with you, what's with the lack of reptile representation here? Does not the iguana owner have the same rights as a cat person? Power to the reptiles! :lol:
I need a multi vote... Bird first, then dog, the gerbil! you left out the small furries! although... my name here should say it all.