We have 2 dogs, a cat and about 10 fish. I can affirm, through direct observation, that dogs are way cooler than cats. But, cats do have the advantage that you can leave them home alone if you go away for the weekend. As for guys with cat avatars - that should be against the guy code or something.
actaully the only thing i have to worry about is my dog eating the turtle. every once in a while the dog will glance up and see the turtle when its moving (a rare sight) and immediately be interested in what it is. but normally, the dog treats it like furniture...
This thread is just bizarre. I think a guy having a cat avatar is fine... using the term "dude" or the phrase "guy code" is not. In regards to the 'aminals', I love them all equally. Especially the cute ones.
Dave: Dogs have a very wise survival principle: treat everything in sight as food and eat it. If it isn't food they can always throw it up later. Preferably on your new rug. Jay
Jeff: That can't be as bad as the following: I keep the litter box in the ensuite as guests really don't want to look at a litter box when they use the bathroom. For whatever reason, sometimes a cat will *really* paw around in the box, and something inevitably flies out. Until I learned to put on my glasses *and* turn on the light, early one morning I went to the can and stepped on something. I guess I really don't have to describe what I stepped in, right? Jay
Jayman... that "throw up" comment you made nearly gave me a coronary. you gotta hear this story... about 3 years ago, i was sitting at the computer doing something absorbing...(playing MOH online i think) and the dog starts coughing and hacking which is normal considering what he chews on stuff all the time. well he hacked for quite a while and for a second i thought he was going at it a bit more than normal and finally after about 15 minutes or so, he hocks up this big furry thing about a foot long. i about had a coniption cause i thought it was a rat or something. so i went to get something to pick it up with and turned on the light and it was one of those fuzzy bathroom slipper things! he had swallowed the thing whole. it was chewed up a bit but was still all in one piece. after that, i got him some extra chew toys and an extra ration of doggie biscuits
OMG! And dogs are supposed to be smarter, right? :lol: (Just kidding) We keep our litter box in the spare bathroom in the bathtub. Typically, anything that flies out of the box remains in the tub, which keeps us from stepping on anything squishy. ukeright:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA\";p=\"86649)</div> David: Yeah, my folks used to have a German Shepherd and horking up was a hobby for her too. I really don't know why folks rail on cats for horking when you consider that dogs also do that. The difference is in how much eventually comes up and what the sounds effects are. Cat: HHHCCCKKK ACCKKK HACKKK HKKKKK HHHHHHHCCKKKK! HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEECCCKKKKKKK! BLEAH! A small mound of cat hair or chipmunk parts or whatever. Dog: HORNNK! HOOORRRRRNNNNNNNKKKK! HOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKK! BLEAH! A whole chipmunk or whatever. I bet the turtle *never* does that, right? Jay
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(heliotropehead\";p=\"86751)</div> How about squishy and *sticky* ukeright: I've thought of that as well, but I would have to give up the tub altogether and just use the shower stall for myself. I like using both, so the box remains on the floor. Things rarely fly out of the box, maybe once every week or so.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman\";p=\"86758)</div> :lolup: :lolup: Jay, that's about as close to multimedia as the printed word can get! And from personal experience, I think you've got the sounds exactly right.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tag\";p=\"85470)</div> 3) Some of us could use a "None of the Above" button.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bookrats\";p=\"86762)</div> Jeff: Or sometimes when my cat gets the dry heaves, he makes a sound sort of like this: "Huck ... huck ... huck ... huck ... huck ... huck ... huck ... huck ... huck ..." Jay
I've got an even worse one. One of our dogs at the plastic wrapper along with some goody she got her paws on. The next day she was straining awfully hard when she was out in the yard doing her business. I went to investigate and discovered that said plastic wrapper was hanging half way out her and wouldn't come the rest of the way out. I had to go get a glove and, errr, help it along to a full exit. On the bright side, the dog did give me a very appreciative look when it was all over. Ah, the joys of living with animals!
Been There Done That. One time I had my parents German Shepherd with me at my cabin. Noticed the odd straining and actually thought she had a huge intestinal worm, since about 5 inches was sticking out. As it turned out, the dumb mutt had eaten whole a 5ft long 1/4 nylon rope. I had actually been looking for that rope in the garage the day before. So I carefully pulled out the rest of the rope and the dog cheerfully trotted off. Leaving me with a disgusting mess. It goes without saying I threw out the rope after it's passage through the dog.
I'm gladd I wasn't eatin gwhen I read that !!!! ukeright: ukeright: ukeright: ukeleft: ukeleft: ukeleft:
Being an older poster (since 2003) .... Getting back to the original topic (grin), I think there are only so many pictures of the 6 colors of the Prius you can take. So (I think- Daniel) started the cat thing, and of couse Wolfman had his dog thing, and it progressed from there. I did like the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse one and there are a few unique Prius pics, but the nice thing is that we can CHANGE avatars as we feel like it..... Yes, I have 2 cats now but being Tiger like they are dark colored, so I have a rear end Prius pic. Formerly 2004 Silver BC/9, now 2005 Driftwood BC/6
Thank you -- much prefer it to a rear end cat pic! :mrgreen: (You're right -- we really need to get off this subject....)
It wasn't that bad. For some reason the "city slickers" can't deal with stuff like that. I remember as a kid - maybe 10 or 11 - I helped my farmer Uncle deliver a calf. It got stuck in the cow and only the legs were sticking out. So I finally found out why my Uncle had a loop of chain embedded in the cement wall of the birthing station. He tied a stout rope to the calf's legs, hooked a comealong to it, and attached the comealong to the loop of chain. Then he had me start cranking slowly on the comealong while he guided the calf out. If you can manage to keep your food down doing that, you're one tough bast**d. First time I had to run outside to puke, afterwards it was no big deal. So having to pull a chunk of thin nylon rope out of the dogs butt wasn't a big deal. I probably wouldn't do that for a human though. Any human dumb enough to eat a 5ft length of nylon rope probably should figure out themselves how to get it out. I'm visualizing a comealong and a piece of chain.
Hey, Who you callin' city slicker? When I was in Architecture school in North Eastern Ohio, me and two other guys built an eight thousand square foot pole barn for Tennessee Walker horses. During construction I witnessed a women (vet) put her ENTIRE arm in side a horses rectum. No Prob.. It still doesn't mean I am ready to see that same thing when i am tastin a nice goose liver pate'..... Or burger from Jack in the Crack!