AutoNation: Gas Price `Freak-Out Number' Higher Than 2008

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by a_gray_prius, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Skoorbmax

    Skoorbmax Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2010
    Western NY
    2010 Prius
    And hungry people eat out of trash bins "if they have to". Doesn't mean it's not an incredible burden to do so. In virtually all of the United States public transportation is not even bordering on a convenient means of transportation. It works only for two groups of people: The poor who absolutely cannot afford to drive, and those in very congested cities that also have good public transport (this double-whammy is quite rare, too). The rest of us need cars, it's not a luxury anymore than modern medicine is a luxury. I agree that most people could make far better choices, though. Complaining about gas prices while driving a new $30k car is quite silly, for example. Replace it with an econobox or an old beater. These I wouldn't consider huge burdens like, say, eating out of the trash is.
  2. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    When the same complainers pay a couple hundred a month for a cell phone, another couple hundred for tv+internet, and eat out like mad then it is just silly to complain.

    I took the bus for 1.5yrs during high school to get from school to my job halfway accross town. I am not dead, and I got to work ok. I am by no means destitute and obviously dont live in a megatropolis. If you need to go somewhere, then you can. If you need to go there quickly, then buy a car and stop some other less essential service.

    The way the US works is that you can have what you pay for. But everyone wants everything and doesn't want to pay for any of it. They want a nice house, new phone, new car, high end products, and work for minimum wage racking up debt or living better than they should be. Remember this is the country where modern medicine is a luxury...