That looks like the supply rate. Don't forget the delivery charge. delivery 0.063187135 supply 0.108518519 0.171705654
Filled up at a Wawa yesterday. The kid attendant: "Can I give you a little bit of advice?" Me: "Sure" "Don't ever let the car run out of gas, the engine will blow up" "Why is that?" "That's the way they're made" "Well, this one's made different, so the engine won't explode. Besides, it runs on electricity, too" "They all do, but they only do 25mph" "This one will do 62mph on electricity. You fill it up on the other side" "Yea, sure" "Look at the emblem on the fender. It's different" When he looked at the fender and a glaze covered his eyes, he said "Okay, I just wanted to warn you" "Thanks a lot, have a good day" I used to have some problems with the VW TDIs, with people warning me I'm putting diesel into a gas car, etc, but this is really weird. I think they're waiting for me to pull in.