I am assuming that Siri knows a whole lot more than she is willing to give up. Might there be some secret words to needle her for more info?
Fish do sleep, and when the tide goes out it takes its girlfriend to the wave club for dinner and dancing.
I've made many night dives and I can confirm fish do sleep, when you shine the light on them, they tend to go, "HEY Wth!!! TURN OFF THAT DAMN LIGHT, WE'RE TRYING T0 SLEEP HERE!"
koa - would you believe I missed a Full Moon shore dive off of Maui's Lahaina Black Rock - too tired! (Oct 12 2011 - a once-per-18 yr event, boy was she bright that close!) Ask Siri - how to get rid of jet lag in Hawaii after flying in from the East coast.
Apple's talkative new virtual assistant is no parlor trick. It's a powerful tool, especially if you use these three Pro Tips... http://m.computerworld.com/s/articl...serious_about_Siri?taxonomyId=18&pageNumber=1
Oh boy... let me see... something safe to ask Siri... "How might I go about liberating you from your crunchy exterior?" Yeah, I know - I'm a wierdo... but I'd have fun with all the really off questions I'd ask Siri... it's probably why I don't run out and get one... I'd have to take a few days off to mess with it.
also noteworthy is asking Siri "the meaning of life"...her answer constantly changes....kinda like the old magic 8 ball but more intelligent
http://www.slashgear.com/siri-iphone-4-hack-gets-apple-server-support-30191849/ Still, you shouldn’t expect to see a public release of this particular Siri hack any time soon, at least from its original developer. Troughton-Smith told 9 to 5 Mac that he viewed it as a proof of concept more than anything else, to demonstrate that the iPhone 4′s single-core processor was up to the task of running Siri and that, in short, Apple’s decision to limit it to the iPhone 4S was one of product positioning. ... Siri is expected to be Apple’s primary strategy with the oft-rumored Apple television, with the latest rumors suggesting Steve Jobs envisioned a voice-controlled HDTV running iOS and using the intelligent spoken command system to bypass the traditional remote.
Not surprised about the above statement. Siri's not on iPad 2 either even though it has the same CPU as the iPhone 4S but running at a higher clock speed than the 4S and the same amount of RAM.