The oil price is manipulated by Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. Presently,It has nothing to do with supply and demand. Obama is owned by them so theres not much he can or is willing to do. If the banks want Obama reelected they will pause screwing the world until Nov 2012. If they want a Republican, then they will send the oil price through the roof. Did Speculation Fuel Oil Price Swings? - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Don't forget interest on the debt. You borrow $1, you pay back $1.08 on average. Borrow $1 on your credit card, and some pay back $1.30. Obviously the us bonds are no credit card on returns but if the US is derated for credit as it seems like it will be, the interest will be higher.
Excellent point! Now lets extrapolate . . . Congress was taken over by Democrats in 2007, Congress controls spending and IIRC Bush's TARP bill, which you mentioned, was passed by D's in congress, which party should the major portion of this unprecedented spending be assigned Republicans or Democrats? R's? D's Both? IMHO it's about . . . 75% D's 25% R's until 01-20-2009. now it's all D baby! YMMV My .02 cents and another best shot if I do say so myself.
England and Spain have found that for every green job made up to 3.6 other jobs are lost. Any reason to assume the findings will be different over here?
Rapid change, oh sure, in employment just ask, as noted above, England and Spain both have seen increases in energy costs and up to 3.7 jobs lost for every green job created.
You are absolutely correct. Every graph I've seen about the macroeconomic and demographic situation in the country affirms it.
I doubt it. In this WSJ article you can see that the "jobs lost from green energy" point was pushed by a libertarian think tank making highly questionable opportunity cost assumptions. It was criticized by both the Spanish government and the US DOE. As for TARP, Bush asked for it and got it. It was his idea. You can try to blame Dems, but that's not the way things are typically done. I don't think that the health care reform legislation would be called "RepublicanCare" if a bunch of congressional Republicans voted for it.
The point of that portion of the video was the raw size of the debt itself, separate from the interest.
Yes and no. As prices of things go up. People will buy less. That's why gas prices collapsed 2 years ago. But on the question about high gas prices, I say the moon's the limit!
burritos - Off Topic Your concluding quote is the most negative, uncomplementary, depressing thought expressed on this otherwise, informative thread. Then I see you are from California ... that explains it all. I'll share a quote with you. "If the world were tilted on it's edge, everything loose would fall into California." F.L. Wright If to be "free" is what you seek ... yperhaps, ou are looking in the wrong places.
the debt maybe only one year of GDP, but how much of that GDP is paid in taxes to another country? we may generate that much product, but it does not go to the government.
That's a 2009 article, newer studies have shown that changing from fossil fuel/nuclear energy to any other form will cost more in money and in jobs. I'm all for it but not a full on rush, considering the economy, especially now that we know "Global Warming" isn't. I guess it's just "Climate Change" which has been happening for thousands and thousands of years! Wish we had the money wasted on that boondoggle back to spend on these clean projects.
MY REPLY: AND NOW I'M POSTING FACTS ABOUT THE POINT I MADE ABOVE. . . Didn't think you were trying to avoid answering my point that congress controlled spending and thus the debt as well as deficit, the info is hard to find. Here's what I found . . . The fact that FY2009 budget was delayed and Bush didn't sign it is really immaterial to the points I was making but it is germane to a point fuzzy made. The Debt, Who's Responsible Update 04/04/2011 National Debt Incurred During Congressional Tenure by Political Party Date House Senate Months In Control Debt At Start Debt At End Total Debt Accumulated Average Monthly 1 1993 - 1995 Democrat Democrat 24 $4 167 872 986 584 $4 801 793 426 033 $633 920 439 449 $26 413 351 644 2 1995 - 2001 Republican Republican 72 $4 801 793 426 033 $5 723 237 439 564 $921 444 013 531 $12 797 833 521 3 2001 - 2003 Republican Democrat 24 $5 723 237 439 564 $6 382 650 489 675 $659 413 050 111 $27 475 543 755 4 2003 - 2007 Republican Republican 48 $6 382 650 489 675 $8 677 214 255 313 $2 294 563 765 638 $47 803 411 784 5 2007 - 2011 Democrat Democrat 48 $8 677 214 255 313 $14 014 049 043 294 $5 336 834 787 981 $111 184 058 083 6 11 - Today Republican Democrat 3 $14 014 049 043 294 $14 243 931 564 217 $229 882 520 923 $76 627 506 974 Average Monthly Debt by Party Controlling Congress Party in Power Months in Control Total Debt Incurred Average Debt Incurred Per Month 1 Republican 120 $3 216 007 779 169 $26 800 064 826 2 Power Split 27 $889 295 571 034 $32 936 873 001 3 Democrats 72 $5 970 755 227 430 $82 927 155 937 BTW: I posted this info as a thread in Freds House of Politics but with my own unique brand of insight and commentary!
Gasoline Taxes Per Gallon Are Almost 7 Times ExxonMobil's Profit: 42 cents vs. 7 cents for QI - Right Mind
Why are those groups worthy of a transfer of wealth from others to them in the form of tax subsidies?