I was very active in the Amateur Radio community when I was younger but have been inactive since the new millennium.
Don't they call the 11m band the, "chicken band" 40 watts? Heck, we do that much on amateur micro wave Some of the MT neighbors (not legally of course) run 8KW off 10 emement beams ... giving rise to the ol' Forrest Gump ham expression: Power is as power does.
KC0IKZ License is current, but I never really did much. Was mostly an attempt for local communication with some friends before GMRS/FRS HTs were common. Funny that a previous poster talked about code vs. electronics -- I have most of an EE bachelor's degree, but the code has completely evaded me. (I took and passed the technician and general on the same day, and got most of the way into the extra class -- but I never managed to do code at all.) The "talk to the world" aspect was mostly fulfilled by the [inter]net; I've been on computer communication 'nets since 1987, so I never had to go to amateur radio for that connection.
I understand code is no longer required to pass extra, or any class for that matter. Hard to fathom the change in 15 years.
CW is completely gone for license requirements now... The advanced class license is no longer being issued, as well.... been a ham since 1976, and xyl since 1977...like to design HF antennas...been pondering hf in prius, however, the rf field even with everything grounded and connected still could possibly envelope the electronics and cause fits...had it happen once, where the longer the mic was keyed down, the faster the car went...VHF up tp 50W seems to be handled ok by the prius...but stay away from glass mounted ant and go 1/4 or 5/8 on the back which works better.....
KK6PD checking in the Net!!! 2008 Red Cat5 Yaesu FT-8800 Diamond K-400 Diamond 7700 black whip!!! Will be installed with ALL the other goodies on the same weekend!! Radar detector CHP Monitor, Ipod XM, Coastal tech mods etc... Will post a big reply on results of installation weekend!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Not a Ham operator but I'm interested in running a CB in the prius. I see that some Ham operator's complain of RF noise/problems; would this also be problematic for just a regular CB radio. Sorry if this is a basic question but I'm fairly unsophisticated when it comes to mobile communications. Thanks.
Just came across this thread so I figured i'd chime in (quite late!) VE3UDP/VE3SIP here... Infact, doing a dual band install this weekend in the Prius.
WB0LCW here. Nothing installed in the car yet, still in the "planning phases", but probably will just go with 2m.
Hi guys. I am S56OA from Slovenia, Europe. Not yet an owner of Prius. But have ordered one, will get it during last days of September. Will probably install Kenwood TM-D710 for APRS and 2 m operation in Prius if possible. 73 de S56OA - Ogo
Hi....W9VXE Been screwin' around with this stuff for about 53 years. Originally Chicago, Now Naples Florida Regards, Don
K2RDB since 1956 or so, just getting active again after being interrupted by the Internet. No plans for a rig in the Prius now, but that will probably change.
Now AK6C; formerly WH6GKC, KH6GKC, KH6PW Novice Class in 1967 Advanced Class in 1968 Amateur Extra and Commercial Radiotelephone First Class w/Ship Radar Endorsement in 1970 Active at Stanford University ARC station W6YX from 1971 to 1974 Long period of dormancy during graduate business school, developing business career, raising family, and living in places not suitable for amateur radio antennas Now live in location where only "low-visibility" antennas are feasible. 28 gauge wire antenna blew down last winter; need to get around to putting up replacement - 73.