The Emergency Fund To Get Daniel Laid now stands at $837. I'm going to CLEARLY need at least twice that, the way things are going!
From an outsiders point of view, most people outside the USA think people inside the USA believe the world is the USA.
And that is generally correct, imo. It's really bizarre how this manifests. For instance, certain disasters, terror attacks, or transport accidents are reported with more frequency and detail if there are "american" victims. After both the Haiti and Chile earthquakes, there were news stories about how Americans couldn't immediately fly home.
Ah-ha! So that's why you drive a Hummer when an electric car, or even a Prius, would be better for the long-term health of the planet after you're gone. You're not going to be around, so screw them, right?
would be hard to find a truer statement in this world maybe but one edge of that sword needs a lot of sharpening. some people need hope; free, unfettered and willing hope is preferred. but the benefits of being called a religion is beyond what i consider acceptable. many work as a profit making machine devoid of the financial restraints we face. that only increases my share of the support needed. i prefer to NOT participate indirectly in the support of any religion religion much more so than others, but we are compelled to one degree or another to justify ourselves if you dont consider aliens to be our "creator" then you are probably right
Another thought is this: If god always gets his way in the end, our "purpose" can be inferred by observing what becomes of us. We all end up dead. Perhaps god did not make us in his image after all. Perhaps god is a fly, and he made the world for flies. Perhaps we were put here to punish those flies which have sinned, and to be fly food when we die. Have you ever noticed that from time to time there is a fly you just cannot kill no matter how hard you try? That is a fly which is living in a state of grace: It is sinless and you will never be able to kill it. On the other hand, maybe we are the napkin. Or the stuff they grind up for pulp to make napkins and kleenex and eerrrmmm... well... other paper products... :mmph: You're joking, right? Any self-respecting prostitute will demand about ten times that much to do it with me. That don't make 'em right. There are two things wrong with this statement: 1. I'm not at all certain that the collapse will wait until after I'm dead, and so since I might still be around, I gotta be concerned about my carbon footprint. 2. I hate gasoline. I would hate it even if there was an unlimited supply of it and it didn't screw the environment or finance terrorism. You are correct in your implication that I have no morals or principles, buy my hatred of Hummers goes well beyond their environmental impact. I really LIKE driving my little garden-pest green, three-legged clown car.
They don't speak English in Australia. It appears to be loosely based on English, but the vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar diverged somewhere during the Triassic era. Tom
Australian language lesson available on Netflix McLeod's Daughters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia if you have netflix and you enjoy "chick flicks" check out the series. i watched the movie on a whim and have been completely totally irrevocably hooked on the series. working on season 6 of 9
What is your thousand-in-one chance to escape? Just because you don't believe? What if a turkey saw another turkey or a chicken get it's head cut off and the body running around the farm headless? Would it have any better chance of escaping because it then knew of its potential fate? Or would it just be slaughtered like all the rest? And who says people have souls? Maybe there's nothing for God to harvest after all. I think you have to be religious to believe in souls and since you aren't, you don't have anything to worry about. And who says only people have souls? If humans do, why not all the other animals, including the turkeys that we eat? Maybe we're harvesting their souls.
Not because I don't believe, but because I will try. You aren't going to escape if you don't try to escape. While all the others are running into the waiting arms of the cosmic butcher, I'll be running the other way. He still might get me. Like I said, I may only have one chance in a thousand. But at least I'll be trying to escape, and not running into his arms. Now that would be a GREAT joke on god: After he's gone to all the trouble of making the world, and us, in order to harvest our souls, for him to find out after we die that we don't have any souls after all and he's gone to all that work for nothing! I never said other animals don't have souls. Hey, I don't eat meat! Anybody who ever had a cat or a dog knows that they have as much of a soul as we have, and it only makes sense that other animals do, too. I've never been able to figure out why mainstream Christianity thinks it's so important to deny that other animals have souls. Maybe so they can justify eating them.