That's just bizarre. Netflix is everywhere. It's on my Bluray player, it's on game systems, its on the computer, etc. I can't imagine that it would take more than a couple of days to port the code over to iphone/ipad/itouch. Especially considering that 1 app could do both iphone and ipad, and that there are millions and millions of iphones out there. That's a huge potential subscriber base.
Here's the quote: "It's not a huge priority for us because we're so focused on the larger screens," Hastings said. "Until we get our TV ubiquity and our Blu-ray ubiquity and we're getting close on video game ubiquity, then we would next turn to the small screen. So it's something we will get around to, but it's not in the near term." Netflix CEO: not streaming to the iPad "in the near term"
I guess there's more to it than I understand. If I owned a company, I'd love to add millions and millions of subscription based users. But check this out, it was in the link you posted: "It should be noted that Netflix uses Microsoft's IIS Media Services to serve up streaming content over the Web to Macs and PCs. While viewing that content requires the Silverlight plugin on the desktop, Microsoft recently enabled IIS7 to transcode to an iPhone-compatible stream on-demand for content requests from Mobile Safari. The same trick would also work with the iPad, enabling Netflix to stream video to an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch without creating a native iPhone OS app. It would also avoid a potential conflict should Apple move to block such an app from being approved for the App Store." So it sounds like perhaps an app will not even be needed? This just seems like a Netflix app is too easy. I wonder if there's something deeper going on?
Yeah, it seems clear there's no real technical hurdle, but they may not want to rock the boat with certain of their business relationships or potential relationships. They've been very clever about not getting crosswise with the big players. In any case, it's not clear how many new subscribers they would get just because watch instantly movies were available on ipads.
Looking back through the thread, I didn't see where anyone mentioned battery life. Compared to most notebooks, the itab lasts much longer.
Second hand sources saying there may be an OSX based iPad by the end of the year! OS X iPad Tablet to Release Later this Year | Redmond Pie Some second hand sources have informed TechCrunch that Apple is already working on a OS X based tablet which is scheduled to hit the stores later this year. This tablet in question will be powered by Intel processor, unlike iPad which runs on Apple’s A4 processor.
That's what it should have been in the first place. A touch screen miniMac would be far more useful than a maxiPod.
The netbook I just got has a 10 hour battery life. Granted I have to dial the power settings all the way down to get it, so the iPad may have the edge there. But this brings up another point. E-ink may be a year or more away from full color, but it is easy on batteries has well as the eyes. The Kindle can left on and used for a whole week. Go any where overnight with the iPad and you'll have to contend with the FGR. Rosscott, Inc. Yeah, it's issue with the netbook, but it's larger mass makes the accessaries less noticable.
Standing in line for the release of a new Apple product isn't just about getting the product... it's a whole experience. Did it for the iPhone and it was great.
I missed this thread the first time around. I guess I was out of town. I like the iTouch because it's a lightweight way to have email and web browsing when traveling, along with music and other audio for travel, and the game apps are a plus. A larger screen would be nice (easier to read email, easier to "type" on the touch screen) but a pound and a half is too much. It's got to be under a pound for me, and need not be as big as the iPad. Four times the screen area of the iTouch would be perfect. As for comparing it to the Kindle, you might as well compare a pair of shoes to a hat: they are completely different things for different uses. There is NO WAY I could read for any length of time on an LCD screen. eInk is ideal for reading and useless for computing; and LCD is ideal for computing and very hard on the eyes for reading. Kindle for reading, computers for computing! And never the twain shall meet. (Until they come up with a new display technology, that is.)