Yes, but with a library card, you don't have to buy a Nook. My point, of course, was that regardless of how you get your books, all the fancy television-watching and recording and editing machinery cannot compare with a book. (I am very happy with my decision to get the Kindle DX rather than a Nook or one of the other readers available at the time. I like the large format and the selection on Amazon. And if I really want a book not available from Amazon, I do still have my library card.)
Whoa. When I watch a show on Hulu, the shorter ads have forced me to replace the "Beer Rental Return Stroll" with the "Beer Rental Return Sprint". Don't know if I could handle your system.
I watched the pilot as the previews seemed amazing. But when I went through the pilot, I felt a de-javu, as if this series is also going to be similar to LOST. It would be boring if they repeat the plot of LOST.
LOL, we use the pause button. As you know, some bathroom breaks take longer than others. That's where Daniel's book library comes in handy. It sounds complex but it really isn't. It started out as just a TV card in my PC. It's really great during the Olympics. It used to be a pain to see all the events you wanted without being up all night or being glued to the TV 24x7 for 10 days. No we can watch all we want of exactly what we want on our own schedule. There's nothing like watching Venezuelan or Brazilian volleyball in full OTA HD over and over. So far Terra Nova is about what I though it would be. We like it. I'm also interested to see what Grimm will be like. It starts Oct 28th.