My understanding is that Toyota will mail out recall letters concerning the reflash starting later this month and will continue for several months. In other words it will be a staggered recall. Also those that have already had their Prius reflashed will have their VIN deleted from the snail mail mailings.
I did not receive anything yet here in Germany. But I would not have gone to the dealer in any case after feeling the "brake lag" - to me it was a bit too much, and could be improved, but not something that made me think "this cannot brake! I will die! I will SUE Toyota!" and all the similar crap you see from hysterical people in (american) movies (sorry, but 90% of what you get in EU is from the US, and movies where there are hysterical people suing everybody are from the US....). Actually my Polo had a similar, albeit minor, problem. The same feeling at low speed on ice/bumps/dirt of "whoa - it's not braking enough, I need to brake more or otherwise with my pedal half way the ABS does not know what to do". All ABS systems do not work well if you don't brake decidedly and if there is still traction on the wheels (this is also why the regen braking need to be disconnected completely). My only real problem is the FM radio reproduction (random noises - addressed in many posts here) - Toyota Europe (and the dealer) has recognised this as a defect, but still no news of a fix, substitution or a repair. My radio stays turned off so far . So much for the 27k€ paid, and the (overrated?) Toyota customer-focus. But as rightly said - they are pretty busy with the accelerator crap. So maybe the radio issue will be addressed in 2013...
I got a e-mail from the dealership re the problem, the recall and instructions. It gave the email address and Tel # of the owner, Svc Manager and Gen. Mgr. to call if I had any questions. I called the re-call svc number that was listed and they took me the same day. It took 1 hour and two bad cups of coffee.
I just received my only letter from Toyota, since the recall. It was an offer for $1000 cash back if I by another 2010 Toyota.
I have not received any notice as of now. I did call my dealer, Preimer Toyota in Ohio ...Their response was that they do not know will they will get the materials to fix the problem and that I should just wait to get a recall notice.
I think your dealer is putting you off! The "recall" is a software fix which they had around February 9th - 10th. When I called my dealer I got the same baloney and then called my salesman. At first he said the same thing but when I asked to speak with the Service Manager/dealership owner, the fix was then available (this was around Feb. 10). I took the car in on a Saturday and it was done (took an hour and a half but they were swamped with other recalls). Go to and register your car. The recall notice will be there with your car's VIN and it will tell you to go to your dealer.
WOW a dealer who actually contacts their customers! I have heard NOTHING from my dealership here in Cincinnati. Goes to show some dealerships value customer service more than others.
My salesman called yesterday to encourage me to set up an appointment. All previous safety recall notices -- every car I've ever owned had them -- were handled exclusively by postal mail from the manufacturer. So this is clearly a step up from the norm.
Sigh, I took mine in at 5k TODAY for its first oil change and they said NOTHING to me about the revised 10k interval. I had heard about it but forgot to ask this morning. This is Chicagoland, too, so they had that notice since mid-December. How annoying. I hope the free oil change coupon doesn't expire before I reach 15k (probably a year from now)...
When I made the appointment for the 5k service, the service adviser told me they would NOT be doing an oil change because of the new 10k interval. I had them do it anyway because I wasn't sure what oil went in at the factory. The SA said it was a Toyota branded synthetic but didn't know who actually made it. The dealer uses Mobil 1 which is good stuff but not quite as good as Amsoil. So, I won't be getting a free oil change. They flashed it for the brake issue which we have never experienced. I had not received any recall notice.
Not a single mail notice yet from Toyota, but I did get a pre-recorded voice mail from my local dealer the other day. It wasn't anything official, but just saying "IF" your Prius is part of the recall, call us.
Australian Prius owners received a recall letter in the mail from Toyota Australia around 4 days after the recall was announced here. After we have the update done, we get a follow-up apologetic phone call from Toyota Australia a few days later thanking owners for taking their cars in promptly for the recall, and apologising profusely for the inconvenience (parrot-fashion prepared wording.....the caller has no product knowledge or information on other problems such as the brake shudder in reverse). A good PR exercise, though, as the new Gen 3 Prius is the only Toyota model affected by any recalls here (lucky us!).
I received the letter from Toyota Germany last week - going this coming Monday to get the ABS re-programmed.