I couldn't get in to Priuschat earlier, so I posted a response in your original thread in the FAH community forum. Since the Stanford STATS page is showing only 3 CPUs within the last 7 days, I think it's a problem with two of your clients, not just the 6.20 one. Do you know how to look at your log? It's the FAH-log.txt file in your folding directory. You should be able to see what workunit your system is processing - a number, plus numbers for Gen, Clone and Run. You'd be able to see if it's processing the same workunit over and over again. My response in the FAH forum links to instructions on how to run the qfix utility and how to run the client with the 'send' parameter to force it to try to send anything that's stuck in your queue.
Downloading older client is available at Folding@home - DownloadOld If you use a console client, you can try to add the following flag to your startup client. This page, Folding@home - WinConsoleInstall, show the flag option available for console client. -verbosity 9 This option should be used if the user wishes to see more detailed client output -send all send all results outstanding.
I ignored this thread for a long time when I first joined thinking it was one of those "work from home" stuffing envelopes jobs posts. Just glad I finally read it to find out what it really is.
Thanks for the great replies guys. So I added the flags (it's actually -send x now instead of -send all). Here's what I get in my log: # Windows CPU Console Edition ################################################# ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 6.20 Folding@home - Main ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\Folding software Executable: C:\Folding software\[email protected] Arguments: -verbosity 9 -send x [15:25:47] - Ask before connecting: No [15:25:47] - User name: prberg (Team 52533) [15:25:47] - User ID: 4AF7BE5A16EBC4F7 [15:25:47] - Machine ID: 1 [15:25:47] [15:25:48] Loaded queue successfully. [15:25:48] Attempting to return result(s) to server... [15:25:48] Project: 0 (Run 0, Clone 0, Gen 0) [15:25:48] - Warning: Asked to send unfinished unit to server [15:25:48] - Failed to send unit 00 to server [15:25:48] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [15:25:48] Killing all core threads Folding@Home Client Shutdown. Does that mean anything? Are my results stuck in my computer? Should I try Jeannie's suggestion (qfix)? thanks, -Peter
there, Ranchogirl! Come join our club, folding proteins at home for science - basic science intended to further cures and treatments for diseases! It's really very easy, we're a good group of people (all probably Prius owners on our Priuschat team), and we're working hard to break into the top 200 teams among the tens of thousands of teams participating in this project. Your contribution would be very welcome!
Actually, it's -send 1 to send what's in queue 1, -send 2 to send what's in queue 2, etc, or -send all to send everything that's in any of your queues. Yes, your log says your computer is trying to fold Project 0, Run 0, Gen 0, Clone 0, which means it's not actually folding a valid work unit. ALL projects have a number, like 2665. Run can be 0, and I don't think you can have a Gen 0, but I think you can have a Clone 0. So stop your client, go into your folding directory, remove the WORK folder and the queue.dat file, and start your client up again. This will make your client believe it's starting over entirely, like a 'first time' start, which is fine since this client hasn't actually done any work in the week or two it's been running, doing nothing. Then start watching the log. The first thing it should do is connect to a server at Stanford and download a Workunit (aka Project) file. Then it may or may not need to download the 'core' - the particular piece of software that does the calculations. Then you'll see what Workunit, Run, Gen and Clone it downloaded. Then you'll see that you're on frame/step 0, 0% done. If you've set up your client to do 'checkpoints' every 'few' minutes (default is 15), then every 'few' (15) minutes you'll see it saying it's writing the checkpoint file, until it's 1% done, and it writes another checkpoint file and tells you it's 1% done, and it continues on that way until you stop your client again, or until you get to 100% done. Once you get to 100% done, it will try to connect to a server at Stanford to send your results, and then it will try to download a new Workunit/Project, and keep folding, this time using a different queue slot (so that if the 'send' doesn't work, it keeps the data in the 'old' queue slot instead of overwriting it - I think there are 8 queue slots.) Check out your other clients, also, because the stats page shows you've had 4 CPUs running in the past 50 days but only 3 CPUs in the last 7 days. Assuming the one that was doing project 0 was your new client, 6.20, then one of your older clients is also stuck. DO try the qfix on that one and run your client with the -send all from a DOS window, as explained in the link in your original post in the FAH community forum. Since that client USED to work properly sometime more than a week ago and steadily for 6 weeks or so before that, you very well may have some valid data in your queue that should be 'fixed' and then sent. When you restart that client, depending on how it was hung up, it may be able to pick up where it last left off, or it may need to start with a new workunit/project (almost certainly if the last thing that happened was an Early Unit End, also called EUE). Good luck with it, Peter - we definitely want your valuable contribution from all 5 of your systems, not just the 3!
Just got my pair of MSI Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT's and installed them, and all I can say is WHEW! What a day! :Cry: Didn't realize that you couldn't use dual monitors and SLI at the same time. The first thing that happened was I lost a striped raid with Vista Ultimate and a bunch of data and programs on it! It was a second drive and I hadn't used it for the last few months since I reinstalled XP Pro on another hard drive. But it's still a loss and took hours of work! I hate computers! The good news is that the new GPU2 Nvidia clients are up and running with an estimated 9500-10,000 ppd! :yo: :nod: Now if I can figure out how to get the Windows SMP console up and running on the other two CPU cores! I should have a 11,000+ ppd machine running! Wildkow
Congrats, Peter - I see the FAH stats page showing all 5 of your cpu's again! Chinalfr2 - I looked at some of the NVIDIA boards you suggested, and they all had a minimum requirement of a 400W power supply.
Jeannie, most OEM power supply output is under rated. Any OEM power supply can easily handle a GeForce 8800 GT, even if you have multiple hard drive and DVD-rom/writer on the OEM computer. For OEM, I mean HP, Dell, Compaq computer. You do have to make sure your OEM Motherboard have a PCIE slot for the video card. If your power supply do not have the PCIE power connector, you can used the PCIE power adapter (enclosed with the Video card package). My Dell Dimension 8400 power supply is rated 300W, but it actually can support up to 450W.
Except I still don't have a clue what it is about. Folding proteins? Huh? The posts sound like computer jargon. Waaaay over my head. Sorry...
Sorry this took so long to get back to you ranchogirl. Here is a video . . . here is the Folding@Home web page it has a good explaination of Folding Proteins. Folding@home - Main We'd love to answer any other questions you might have. Wildkow
The science of it is way over my head, too - I'm not a molecular biologist. But Folding@Home is producing results in basic science, and those results are being used in other projects that are working directly on finding treatments and cures for diseases. So, I contribute the time on my computer when the CPU wouldn't be doing anything - simple concept, and I'm hoping that my little bit helps in the overall goal of curing diseases.
Well it looks like we are solidly in the Top 200 Folding@Home teams. Molang/Chinalfr2 is just churning out an enormous amount of WU's and about 20,000 points each day . Thank you so much Chinalfr2! :yo: Followed by myself, when he convinced me to go to the "Dark Side" I purchased two MSI Geforce NX 8800 GT OC's for less than two hundred dollars. The OC is for Overclocked and just off those two video cards I'm getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 10K points per day. I have a big grin on my face when I say that! LOL! We are followed by Jeannie at 4K-5K points per day, Trevor NYC, MODale, faith2walk and wcrasper each put out around 2K-4K points each day, kettledrum, AnOldHouse, Daveinolywa, prberg, robn, realale, abode, plug along giving us 100-1000 points each day. The rest of the team is in the trenches still punching out WU's and points to the tune of 100-5K per week. I would like to thank you all for sticking to it week after week. It really is for a good scientific cause and that is to discover how proteins mis-fold so that some pretty horrible diseases can be cured. Like I said it is real science, that produces real results to help cure some really horrible diseases. Wanna get in on it and get yer own “Warm and Fuzzy” feeling when you check in to see the WU’s and Point’s you posted each day? Not to mention the fun competition between each other and other teams like “Vampire Piggy Hunters” in 188th place. We defiantly don’t like them because . . . well because they hunt “Vampire Piggy’s: and. . . and we don’t like that kinda stuff around here! :nono: But they have a pretty good lead on us and it will take months to catch up unless we get some more help. SLAY the “Vampire Piggy Hunters” Join team Priuschat :nod: and help vanquish the Piggy hater slaying people . . . team? With that being said I would also like to thank all the priuschatters for their contribution and although some of you may not be active anymore we are grateful for the effort you gave. Consider this an invite to come back to the fold and start contributing again. To all you others that haven't the faintest idea what I'm talking about go to the first post read a few and then skip ahead to about the last 6-12 pages before you start reading again and you'll get a good idea as to what is going on. Once again thanks, youse guys are the best! :thumb: :first: Wildkow
Team Priuschat on Facebook. If you are folding with Team Priuschat and active on facebook.com, please install "F@H Protein Researcher" application and update your info. On facebook world, Team Priuschat rank No. 23. In the world, Team Priuschat rank No. 197 (and climbing).
I plan to be contributing more soon. I'll be putting F@H on my boss' computer when she's next out of town (tomorrow). It gets very light usage because she's on the road so much, so it should be able to crank out some decent points.
Please ask for your boss permission first before you install the application. Don't get into trouble by installing the application without approval.
Thanks for kind thoughts. My post sounded "sneakier" than it was. We're a small business that really functions like family. My boss is the mother of the guy who served as best man at my wedding. She just happened to be in her office yesterday, and her current opinion on computers is the less she knows/sees the better. In addition to being one of the attorneys (and an employment attorney at that - so I concur heartily in your general advice) in our office, I also wear the Sys Admin hat to the extent anyone does, and have free reign over the computers. So, no worries. Peace, Dave
Check out my last few packets. http://kakaostats.com/usum.php?u=1095859 The latest SMP, console, windows. Before I quit awhile back, smp & 24 hours of crunch would net a few thousand points. Now I got a 84 and a 119 points. Sure hope it gets better.
it looks like you're getting single-core work units. Do you have -smp specified in the arguments for your console client, or did you include it in the 'advanced' options in your configuration? My Windows Vista SMP console clients are getting project 2665 workunits worth 1920 points. I'm running the console client with the DEINO option, since for me the MPICH option didn't give me 100% usage of the cores. Use the installation guide for instructions for the installation: Folding@home - WinSMPGuideDEINO After you re-install the DEINO option, go to this site to update the latest .exe: Folding Forum • View topic - new 6.22beta2R3 public beta client (w/ ack fix) which is 6.22beta2R3. You'll pick up a version of the .exe with several fixes, including better handling of early end unit problems. Just replace the .exe you downloaded with the DEINO option. Nice to see you folding again, Mark, and I look forward to your contributions!