I thought we were in the top 200 at some point. You mean my absence has caused us to fall?!?! C;mon Wildkow, let's beat some drums..... It's been well over a year since we've visited the other Prius Team and taunted them on their turf....
I don't fold with my computer...it is a laptop and when not being used, it is off. But....I do fold with my PS3. Would that count?
OK so how do I change my settings to join the group? and how are the PS3 work units calculated to match up? Thanks
Jeannie you’re a tough one to catch but we both know "Resistance is futile you will be assimilated" LOL! Wildkow p.s. BTW good job! Have you added another puter or two to your Folding@Home farm? :thumb:
I haven't added another computer, but all three of my single-processor folding clients have been getting a series pf Project 1487 work units that get 1741 points but take a long time to complete - up to 20 days, sometimes. So when I look at my statistics on the Stanford site, the 'number of active CPUs in the last 7 days' varies between 3 and 6, depending on how long ago it was that I last completed one of these 1487 work units. So you'll definitely catch up to me, probably this month, and maybe before either of us hits the One Million Points mark!
It's fast compared to my PCs! Thanks for contributing, MO Dale. I don't see your points yet on the PriusChat team, though - to join the team, you have to tell it you are on team 52533. One way to monitor how the entire team is doing is to look at Kakao Stats - Team Members - Priuschat
I've shown up at the bottom of list! Glad to help out. I used to do SETI@Home until I had a machine rebuild. Not really sure why I didn't start up again. But, it's good to contribute to something.
Thanks Mo, BTW that’s the name of my Prius! Not only is it fast but supposedly the type of units the PS3 crunch are of great interest to the scientists for some reason. Not that I would encourage you to do so but what kind of games do you play? Wildkow
So MO Dale, I see you on the team list - and I see another new member, syclone. THANKS - I'm glad to see more people donating their unused computer time to the basic research being done by Folding@Home.
It looks like the PS3's give a huge boost to the amount of data processed and work units are specifically tailored for the cell processor. I mostly like shooters, and have played them on the PC for many years. The Half-Life series is a long-time favorite, and I currently spend way too much time in Team Fortress 2. I'm FallingHorse on Steam and Masroe on the Playstation. The PS3 is new for me so I'm trying out Oblivion and Blacksite Area 51. I'm still learning the controller.
I had second place on the team for all of about 3 or 4 hours then jeannie stormed back and took it away from me. Atta girl! :usa2::cheer2: Wildkow
Arghhhh! I had second place for almost a day that time but Jeannie snatched it away again! Atta a girl Jeannie wish the team had more like you! Wildkow
You'll pass me again soon. My old laptop seems to be giving up the ghost - it hasn't been able to complete a workunit in more than a week. But did you notice MolangiNaeda is back again? Welcome back, sir! We missed you!