err....... is that you VERN?! LOL! I have only one thing to say: 12:50am!? How will you sleep in June if your car isn't here till the 20th?
Maybe they: 1. don't have a Prius tech there to do the prep. 2. want to sit the cars there to show and take orders on... can't sell what you ain't got, but examples help. 3. They did the math, figured out they wanna make MORE and might see who will pay more for the cars? (I have no idea if your dealership does this sort of thing. Some do) 4. They can't find anyone else to waterboard.
You can call me Vern, or you can call me Ray, or you can call me Al..just don't call me late to pick up my Prius! June 20th? :target: Is that firm? (firmish?) "Here" means, out the door, or in port? Any tracking info available? 12:50 am - OK, I'm outed. I've got to cut down on my late night Prius porn surfing Stephen
Dianne, I enjoy reading your posts, especially getting a different perspective -- from the other side of the negotiation table, so to speak. I'm glad to hear that the audio system / speakers and ride are much improved. Almost wished I could have swung the additional cost of the sunroof. Anyway, look forward to your insight. Happy selling! -Robert
LOL! Am I the only one old enough to recall the "is that you Vern" commercials with the comedian.... what's his name...?" Anyway, firm-ish. I can't be any more specific till the boat docks. "Eminent Ace" is your freighter. ..... Dianne
Let me take a guess. Was it Roseville Toyota? If so, it doesn't surprise me as they are notorious for doing that.