The range discussion comes down to the requirements of the buyer. So here is a quick peak at our history with the BMW i3-REx and Prius Prime: orange - BMW i3-REx trips, round-trip range, and CCS chargers blue - Prius Prime trip to Knoxville Now I've never used a CCS outside of Huntsville. However, I regularly use the Huntsville CCS when returning to town. It brings the SOC up to +90% before driving home where the L1 brings it up to 100% at a rate of ~5% per hour. Our L2 EVSE adds 20% per hour which makes them impractical except when the destination is reached. Bob Wilson
chicken & egg scenario - isn't this one of the primary thrusts of plugin naysayers? "It's stupid to build so many Chargers without electric cars!" Or "it's stupid to have electric cars because there's no infrastructure!" Enterprise will come out to us & drive us back to the rental office - so - there's no need to worry about parking our car there, or nearby. Other agencies have followed similar business plans. Perhaps it's not that way in all areas? I'm sure there's some limitation on how many miles they'd drive, but still ... just sayin' .
Equally stupid, they will let a single unit remain broken for weeks at a time, and wouldn't think twice about adding more than one or two appliances. .
The 10years/150k mile metric is likely what manufacturers refer too when they talk about a car's lifetime in terms servicing and reliability. Whatever metric you use, you are claiming a BEV won't work for 95% of Americans because at some point in a decade or more, the car's lifetime, they will find the range or charging infrastructure not up to some single task. Why not move the goal posts to "while the car has any appreciable value" and claim 99%. If a person needs to take that many long trips, why would all their available cars be BEVs? I know renting a car can be a hassle. So can renting a moving truck, but you don't buy a box van and commute in it because you plan to move in the next decade.
It's been reported here and at other sites that Whole Foods has been putting up charging stations at some of their stores. Being a new build by me, I figured they would put up a station at their site. The same town that its in also hosts EV gatherings. Here's an announcement in Texas. Whole Foods Offers Electric-Vehicle Charging Station | Supermarket News
Pick a car. Any car. Now what percentage of the car buying public finds that car acceptable? You're certainly not going to find any car that is acceptable to 95% of the buying public. How about a Prius? What percentage of the buying public wants a Prius? A friend with a Corvette is horrified at the idea of Corvette going hybrid. But the Corvette is going to have to go pure electric to compete with the 1.9 second 0-60 Tesla. Or give up the idea of their choice being one of maximum performance. There's certainly a market for Corvettes, a much larger market for Prius, and a growing market for pure electrics. The question is how fast the market goes pure electric, and how much hybrid designs bridge that gap. A major turning point will be when the average Honda Civic purchaser chooses a pure electric.
If a person is going to have another car for long trips, why do they need a 300 mile range Ev? They don't, is the answer, and that's why the Leaf is so popular. When I rent a moving van, I rent movers to go with it. And the last one I rented was before I bought my last car.
"Apr 12, 2010" This year, Whole Foods became part of Amazon. In Chattanooga, the Whole Foods rents a space in a property whose owner contracted with Blink to establish a six bay, charging station. Bob Wilson
our kohls doesn't have chargers. i'm not sure how companies decide what locations to put them at. google tells me they got an arra grant.
on a similar note, we have growth of EV's. Some hand-wringing folks want to focus on how low the numbers are, yet fail to grasp that plugins are increasing in growth much faster than hybrids ever did, back in the late 1990's & early 2000's. In that same vein ..... just spotted my 2nd '3' in the wild, in as little as 48 hours! Wow, might have to start knocking them off with a stick! .
i suppose the time factor might be a reason. you can get a bolt now, and maybe a leaf shortly. model 3? not so much.